Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 85 92 92.3

line true false branch
350 0 10 if $^O =~ /win|dos/i
351 0 10 if $^O =~ /vms/i
387 9 19 if (exists $par{'path'} and not defined $par{'case_insensitive'})
388 0 9 $par{'absolute'} ? :
394 12 16 if $par{'debug'}
396 28 0 unless (exists $par{'match'})
397 7 21 $par{'absolute'} ? :
405 15 13 $par{'case_insensitive'} ? :
414 7496 4796 unless $$self{'debug'}
423 27 77 unless exists $$self{'state'}
469 65 5 unless exists $$self{'derive'}
486 2 2 $new_re ? :
504 2 3 $new{'absolute'} ? :
508 4 1 if not $$self{'state'} or $$self{'state'} eq 'finished'
529 0 2 $$self{'absolute'} ? :
538 6 29 if not defined $path or ref $path
544 9 20 if $out[0] eq ''
545 6 23 if $out[-1] eq ''
578 1416 4248 ref $$self{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
590 1421 33 @{$$self{'state_stack'};} ? :
607 7 22 $$self{'absolute'} ? :
622 478 2843 unless (@{$$self{'path_remaining'};})
625 70 408 if -e $$self{'resulting_path'} and $$self{'resulting_path'} =~ /$re/
634 698 2145 if ($pathcomp eq '') { }
1185 960 elsif (not $pathcomp =~ /\?|\*/) { }
636 12 686 $order eq 'inside-out' ? :
638 692 6 if ($order ne 'breadth-first')
640 12 680 $order eq 'inside-out' ? :
651 10 1175 if (exists $$self{'exclude'} and $rp =~ /$$self{'exclude'}/)
656 5 1170 if ($sl)
658 2 3 if (exists $$self{'seen_symlink'}{$slpath})
663 2 1 unless $$self{'follow'}
665 323 850 if -d $$self{'resulting_path'}
669 543 417 unless (opendir $wcdir, $$self{'resulting_path'} || '.')
676 331 86 $$self{'case_insensitive'} ? :
683 270 147 if ($$self{'sort'})
684 458 173 $$self{'case_insensitive'} ? :
631 540 if $_ ne '.' and $_ ne '..'
690 0 270 if ($^O =~ /vms/i)
698 187 79 $$self{'case_insensitive'} ? :
4 266 ref $$self{'sort'} eq 'CODE' ? :
700 66 204 if ($$self{'exclude'})
732 147 621 unless defined $fil
734 0 204 if $^O =~ /vms/i
744 270 512 unless $fil
753 6 692 if ($$self{'ellipsis_order'} eq 'breadth-first') { }