Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 47 114 41.2

line true false branch
47 0 19 unless $file
51 1 18 unless $file =~ /^\s*(<|>|>>)\s*(\S.*)/
57 1 5 if $how ne 'trim' and $how ne 'raw' and $how ne 'untaint'
60 5 12 if ($mode =~ />>?/)
64 0 5 unless defined $value
68 4 1 if ($how eq 'trim')
72 0 5 unless open OUT, $file
76 5 0 $r ? :
81 1 11 defined $length && $length eq '0' ? :
84 3 9 if (defined $length) { }
9 0 elsif ($statfname ne '-') { }
85 0 3 unless $length =~ /^\d+$/
92 0 9 unless defined $statlength
94 0 9 $statlength > $ridiculous ? :
101 0 12 unless open IN, $file
103 1 11 if ($go_for_it) { }
115 0 11 unless defined $n
117 0 11 if defined $statlength and $offset < $statlength
122 8 4 if ($how eq 'trim') { }
1 3 elsif ($how eq 'untaint') { }
127 1 0 if ($$ret_value =~ /([-\@\w.]+)/)
140 0 0 if ($file =~ /^\s*>>?/)
141 0 0 unless open OUT, $file
143 0 0 $r ? :
147 0 0 unless open IN, $file
212 2 12 unless $base and $last
215 3 9 if $base =~ /^$C+$/o
217 2 7 if $base =~ /^\.$C*$/o
218 3 4 unless $base =~ /$last$/
219 1 3 if $base =~ /^$last$/
229 2 6 unless $oname
230 2 4 if $oname =~ /^$C+$/o
231 0 4 if $oname =~ /^\.$C*$/o
235 2 2 if $oname =~ /^$/
248 0 0 if $max < $n
264 0 0 if $min > $n or $min < 0
281 0 0 unless defined $template
286 0 0 $template =~ s/(\d+)$// ? :
290 0 0 if $$opt{'mknextcopy'}
296 0 0 if ($hnum == -1) { }
306 0 0 if (defined $as_dir) { }
307 0 0 $isa_dir ? :
0 0 $isa_dir ? :
0 0 if $$opt{'no_type_mismatch'} and ($isa_dir xor $as_dir)
324 0 0 $as_dir ? :
326 0 0 unless $msg
328 0 0 if $msg ne '1'
330 0 0 if $msg
333 0 0 if ($$opt{'mknextcopy'})
334 0 0 unless -f $try
337 0 0 unless copy($template, $try)
345 0 0 unless defined $node
346 0 0 if mkdir $node
347 0 0 if -e $node
354 0 0 unless defined $node
355 0 0 if sysopen FH, $node, 192 and close FH || 1
360 0 0 if -e $node