Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 48 56.2

line true false branch
14 0 6 @_ == 1 ? :
15 0 5 if (exists $args{'pattern'} and exists $args{'callback'})
18 0 1 unless (exists $args{'pattern'} or exists $args{'callback'})
21 0 1 if (defined $args{'symlink'} and not -l $args{'symlink'} and -e _)
44 6 0 defined $_[1] && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], 'File::Stamped') ? :
65 12 0 if ($time > 1)
75 2 10 if (defined(my $symlink = *$self->{'symlink'}))
76 1 1 if (-l $symlink)
78 0 1 if (defined $link and $link ne $fname)
90 2 10 if (*$self->{'auto_make_dir'})
94 0 12 if (*$self->{'fh'})
95 0 0 if ($fname eq *$self->{'fname'} and *$self->{'pid'} == $$) { }
99 0 0 if $fh
105 12 0 if (*$self->{'close_after_write'}) { }
121 8 0 unless ($fh)
122 0 8 unless open $fh, *$self->{'iomode'}, $fname
123 8 0 if (*$self->{'autoflush'})
129 0 8 unless print {$fh;} @msg
145 4 0 unless ($fh)
146 0 4 unless open $fh, *$self->{'iomode'}, $fname
149 1 0 @args == 2 ? :
2 1 @args == 1 ? :
1 3 @args == 0 ? :
153 0 4 unless $res