Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 70 65.7

line true false branch
38 4283 2173 $descending ? :
48 3997 5307 $descending ? :
63 3 6 unless $find =~ /^[\d.]+$/
69 0 759 unless defined $line
73 759 0 if ($line =~ /(\w{3})\s+(\d{1,2})\s+(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)\s+(\d{4})/) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ m(\[(\d{1,2})/(\w{3})/(\d{4}):(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d))x) { }
0 0 elsif ($line =~ /^(\d+)/) { }
85 0 759 unless ($year)
87 0 0 unless $silent
91 0 759 $not_gmtime ? :
101 0 7 if $begin > $finish
105 0 7 if ($read < $bytes)
107 0 0 unless $silent
112 7 0 wantarray ? :
120 0 4 unless my(@stat) = stat FILE
128 0 18 if $pos < 0
130 0 18 unless sysread FILE, $buf, $blksize
133 4 14 if $lines > $num_lines or $pos == 0
137 2 2 if ($num_lines > @file) { }
139 0 2 unless $silent
140 1 1 wantarray ? :
144 1 1 wantarray ? :
154 0 41 unless defined $key
155 0 41 unless my(@stat) = stat FILE
163 0 109 unless seek FILE, $mid * $blksize, 0
164 109 0 if $mid
166 34 75 if $xfrm
168 57 52 defined $_ && &$comp($_, $key) < 0 ? :
172 0 41 unless seek FILE, $min, 0
173 16 25 if $min
177 5 15651 unless defined($_ = )
178 868 14783 if $xfrm
181 14 15637 $cmp == 0 ? :
182 31 15620 if (not $cuddle and $cmp >= 0)
186 5 15615 if ($cuddle and $cmp > 0)