Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 172 0.0

line true false branch
78 0 0 if defined $value
100 0 0 if defined $value
108 0 0 if (defined $value)
128 0 0 unless defined $$fio{'localDir'} or defined $$fio{'remoteDir'}
130 0 0 if (substr($name, 0, length $$fio{'remoteDir'}) eq $$fio{'remoteDir'})
146 0 0 if defined $$fio{'fh'}
147 0 0 if not -f $localName or -l $localName
148 0 0 unless (open F, $localName)
152 0 0 if ($needMD4) { }
170 0 0 unless defined $$fio{'fh'}
171 0 0 if (sysread($$fio{'fh'}, $fileData, $blockSize * $num) <= 0)
174 0 0 if defined $$fio{'csumDigest'}
175 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 10
188 0 0 unless defined $$fio{'fh'}
192 0 0 if (defined $$fio{'csumDigest'})
199 0 0 if defined $$fio{'csumDigest'}
209 0 0 if defined $$fio{'fh'}
210 0 0 if not -f $localName or -l $localName
211 0 0 unless (open F, $localName)
224 0 0 unless defined $$fio{'fh'}
225 0 0 if (sysread($$fio{'fh'}, $fileData, $num) <= 0)
235 0 0 unless defined $$fio{'fh'}
261 0 0 unless @s
282 0 0 if $placeHolder
294 0 0 unless defined $$f{'atime'}
295 0 0 if (($$f{'mode'} & 18446744073709490175) != ($$a{'mode'} & 18446744073709490175) and not chmod($$f{'mode'} & 18446744073709490175, $lName))
300 0 0 if ($$f{'uid'} != $$a{'uid'} || $$f{'gid'} != $$a{'gid'} and not chown($$f{'uid'}, $$f{'gid'}, $lName))
305 0 0 if ($$f{'mtime'} != $$a{'mtime'} || $$f{'atime'} != $$a{'atime'} and not utime($$f{'atime'}, $$f{'mtime'}, $lName))
328 0 0 if -d $localDir
330 0 0 if -d $localDir
348 0 0 if (($$f{'mode'} & 61440) == 8192) { }
0 0 elsif (($$f{'mode'} & 61440) == 24576) { }
0 0 elsif (($$f{'mode'} & 61440) == 40960) { }
0 0 elsif (($$f{'mode'} & 61440) == 4096) { }
361 0 0 unless (symlink $$f{'link'}, $localPath)
365 0 0 if (system "mknod $localPath p")
390 0 0 unless $end
393 0 0 if -e $localPath
403 0 0 unless -e $localPath or -l $localPath
404 0 0 if (-d _) { }
430 0 0 $cnt > 0 ? :
0 0 if ($$fio{'rxFile'}{'size'} != ($cnt > 0 ? ($cnt - 1) * $size + $remainder : 0))
434 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 5
453 0 0 if (defined $blk)
454 0 0 if (defined $$fio{'rxMatchBlk'} and $$fio{'rxMatchNext'} == $blk)
463 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 8
466 0 0 unless (defined $$fio{'rxOutFd'})
470 0 0 if ($$fio{'rxMatchNext'} == $$fio{'rxBlkCnt'} and not defined $blk and not defined $newData)
485 0 0 unless -e $rxTmpFile
487 0 0 unless (open F, ">$rxTmpFile")
491 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 10
499 0 0 if (defined $$fio{'rxMatchBlk'} and $$fio{'rxMatchBlk'} != $$fio{'rxMatchNext'})
504 0 0 unless (defined $$fio{'rxInFd'})
505 0 0 if (open F, "$$fio{'rxFile'}{'localName'}") { }
513 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 10
517 0 0 unless (sysseek $$fio{'rxInFd'}, $seekPosn, 0)
525 0 0 if $thisCnt > 512
526 0 0 if ($$fio{'rxMatchBlk'} + $i + $thisCnt == $$fio{'rxBlkCnt'}) { }
531 0 0 if (sysread($$fio{'rxInFd'}, $data, $len) != $len)
536 0 0 if (syswrite($$fio{'rxOutFd'}, $data) != $len)
545 0 0 if (defined $blk)
552 0 0 if (defined $newData)
557 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 10
559 0 0 if (syswrite($$fio{'rxOutFd'}, $newData) != $len)
577 0 0 unless (defined $$fio{'rxDigest'})
585 0 0 if (open F, $$fio{'rxFile'}{'localName'}) { }
594 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 5
597 0 0 if defined $$fio{'rxInFd'}
598 0 0 if defined $$fio{'rxOutFd'}
600 0 0 if ($$fio{'logLevel'} >= 3)
605 0 0 if ($md4 eq $newDigest) { }
609 0 0 unless (defined $$fio{'rxOutFd'})
610 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 5
620 0 0 if (-e $$fio{'rxFile'}{'localName'})
623 0 0 unless -e $oldFile
625 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 5
627 0 0 unless (rename $$fio{'rxFile'}{'localName'}, $oldFile)
634 0 0 unless (rename $$fio{'rxTmpFile'}, $$fio{'rxFile'}{'localName'})
638 0 0 if (not rename($oldFile, $$fio{'rxFile'}{'localName'})) { }
647 0 0 if (defined $oldFile and CORE::unlink($oldFile) != 1)
652 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 1
654 0 0 if defined $$fio{'rxTmpFile'}
669 0 0 if (-l $name) { }
678 0 0 if ($$fio{'preserve_hard_links'} and ($s[2] & 61440) == 32768 and $$fio{'protocol_version'} < 27 || $s[3] > 1)
687 0 0 if $$fio{'logLevel'} >= 3
737 0 0 if $str eq ''