Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 86 74.4

line true false branch
97 615 3707 if (defined $Lup)
98 0 615 if (&_bigfloatge($ivs->[$i][0], $Lup))
110 0 4351 unless defined $epoch_high
112 644 3707 unless @$intervals
113 47 3660 if (defined $epoch_low)
114 0 47 if &_bigfloatgt($epoch_low, $epoch_high)
119 57 4261 if (defined $epoch_low) { }
122 36 46 if $e eq $upper or $e eq $lower or &_bigfloatlt($e, $upper) and &_bigfloatgt($e, $lower)
125 25 32 if $goodbound > 1
127 4028 233 if (&_bigfloatle($epoch_high, $upper)) { }
233 0 elsif ($is_sorted) { }
128 1250 2778 if (&_bigfloatge($epoch_high, $lower))
151 77 8 if (@$intervals) { }
154 78 43 if (&_bigfloatlt($oiv->[0], $iv->[1]))
158 33 10 if (&_bigfloatgt($oiv->[1], $iv->[0]))
168 34 33 unless (defined $splicepos)
169 34 0 if (&_bigfloatlt($oiv->[0], $intervals->[-1][1])) { }
198 0 77 unless ($reg)
203 0 1572 if ($logfile)
205 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>>', $logfile
206 0 0 $i > 0 ? :
0 0 $i < $#$re ? :
222 0 1572 if ($logfile)
224 0 0 unless open my $fh, '>>', $logfile
236 0 1572 if $i > $#$re
239 4 1568 if $self->covered($epoch)
240 1548 20 if (@$intervals) { }
244 1506 226 if ($i > 0 and &_bigfloatge($$re[$i - 1]{'epoch'}, $ivlo) and &_bigfloatle($$re[$i - 1]{'epoch'}, $ivhi) and &_bigfloatge($iv->[1], $epoch))
254 42 1528 if ($i < $#$re and &_bigfloatle($$re[$i + 1]{'epoch'}, $ivhi) and &_bigfloatge($$re[$i + 1]{'epoch'}, $ivlo) and &_bigfloatle($iv->[0], $epoch))
263 21 1761 if $registered >= 2
265 21 1527 if ($registered == 2) { }
1506 21 elsif ($registered == 1) { }
292 5 22 if (&_bigfloatgt($epoch, $intervals->[$i][0]))
297 16 5 unless (defined $splicepos)
298 16 0 if (&_bigfloatlt($epoch, $intervals->[-1][1])) { }
313 0 203 if (&_bigfloatle($intervals->[$i][1], $$intervals[$i + 1][0]))
320 0 1506 if (defined $splicepos) { }
342 33 7 if ($epoch eq $intervals->[$i][0] or $epoch eq $intervals->[$i][1])
346 33 9 if ($epoch eq $$intervals[$i + $j][0] or $epoch eq $$intervals[$i + $j][1]) { }
361 33 0 if (defined $splicepos) { }
363 0 18 if (&_bigfloatgt($k, $$intervals[$splicepos + $splicelen][0]) or &_bigfloatlt($k, $$intervals[$splicepos + $splicelen][1]))
396 5 4556 if (@_ >= 2)
400 28 4533 unless (defined $x)