Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 62 66 96.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 9 1 2 @mine and my(@i) = grep({/^-i/;} @mine)
71 124 12 1 $opts{'autocancel'} and $opts{'autofinish'}
83 128 3 1 $self->{'debug'} and not ref $self->{'debug'}
105 0 3 41 $!{'ENOENT'} and $self->{'create'} eq 'now' || $self->{'create'} eq 'later'
135 118 3 5 defined $self->{'backup'} and length $self->{'backup'}
210 1 1 18 $opts{'count'} and $opts{'count'} =~ /\A\d+\z/
211 1 1 16 $opts{'bufsize'} and $opts{'bufsize'} =~ /\A\d+\z/
213 11 4 1 defined $opts{'less'} and not $opts{'less'} =~ /\A(?:ok|ignore)\z/
215 6 7 15 $remain > 0 and not eof $self->{'ifh'}
223 6 4 3 $remain and not $opts{'less'}
238 4 91 3 defined fileno $ifh and not close $ifh
2 90 3 defined fileno $ofh and not close $ofh
2 90 0 $self->{'chmod'} and not chmod($self->{'setperms'}, $ofn)
263 20 8 125 $from eq 'destroy' and not $self->{'is_open'}
270 124 2 27 defined $ifh and defined fileno $ifh
126 1 26 defined $ifh and defined fileno $ifh and close $ifh
271 123 2 28 defined $ofh and defined fileno $ofh
125 1 27 defined $ofh and defined fileno $ofh and close $ofh

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
25 8 0 0 $] ge '5.010' or defined &Hash::Util::lock_ref_keys
74 3 1 13 $opts{'create'} eq 'off' or $opts{'create'} eq 'no'
5 5 3 $opts{'create'} eq 'now' or $opts{'create'} eq 'later'
105 3 38 3 $self->{'create'} eq 'now' || $self->{'create'} eq 'later'