Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 26 26 100.0

line true false branch
15 1 25 unless defined wantarray
16 1 24 if @_ % 2
21 1 22 $args{'debug'} ? :
1 23 ref $args{'debug'} ? :
30 21 5 if (defined $self->{'_h_argv'} and defined(my $tied = tied *{$self->{'_h_argv'};}))
31 20 1 if ($tied->isa('File::Replace::Inplace::TiedArgv'))
60 2 24 unless @_ and @_ % 2
63 1 29 unless $TIEHANDLE_KNOWN_OPTS{$_}
64 25 44 exists $args{$_} ? :
74 2 46 unless @_ == 1
76 1 45 if ($filename eq '-') { }
92 43 6 if ($self->{'_repl'})
102 1 20 if $self->innerhandle == *STDIN{'IO'}