Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 116 62.9

line true false branch
159 3 16 if ($osname =~ /^(?:(ms)?(dos|win(32|nt)?))/i) { }
0 16 elsif ($osname =~ /^MacOS$/i) { }
4 12 elsif ($osname =~ /^VMS$/i) { }
3 9 elsif ($osname =~ /^URL$/i) { }
290 0 19 if ($File::PathConvert::verbose)
355 62 114 if ($fstype ne 'VMS' and $fstype ne 'URL' and $nofile) { }
378 0 52 if $fstype eq 'Win32' and $volume =~ /^($sepRE)$sepRE/ and $directory eq ''
410 12 109 if ($fstype eq 'VMS') { }
411 0 12 if $volume ne '' and not $volume =~ /:$/
414 2 10 if $directory ne '' and not $directory =~ /^\[.*\]$/
421 19 80 if $directory ne '' and $fstype eq 'URL' || $filename ne '' and not $directory =~ /$sepRE$/
431 2 0 if $fstype eq 'Win32' && $volume =~ /^${sepRE}{2}/ || $fstype eq 'URL' && $volume =~ m[[^:/]$] and not $volume =~ /$sepRE$/ and not $directory =~ /^$sepRE/ and $directory ne '' || $filename ne ''
464 8 15 if $fstype eq 'VMS'
472 17 6 unless $directorypath =~ /$sepRE$/
509 5 18 if (not defined $directory_path) { }
516 0 52 unless defined $_
518 52 0 unless $directory_path =~ /$sepRE$/ or /^$sepRE/
525 8 15 if $fstype eq 'VMS'
559 20 4 if ($File::PathConvert::resolved =~ /$sepRE/) { }
561 3 17 if $dirname eq ''
563 0 20 unless (chdir $dirname)
564 0 0 if $File::PathConvert::verbose
576 22 2 if ($basename ne '')
577 7 15 if (-l $basename) { }
11 4 elsif (-d _) { }
578 0 7 unless ($File::PathConvert::resolved = readlink $basename)
579 0 0 if $File::PathConvert::verbose
584 0 7 if (++$links > $File::PathConvert::maxsymlinks)
585 0 0 if $File::PathConvert::verbose
591 0 11 unless (chdir $basename)
592 0 0 if $File::PathConvert::verbose
604 4 13 if ($basename ne '')
605 4 0 if $File::PathConvert::resolved ne $sep
628 9 47 unless ($path_directory =~ /$isrootRE/)
629 0 9 if $File::PathConvert::verbose
633 0 47 if not defined $base or $base eq ''
639 0 4 if $base_file ne '' and $File::PathConvert::verbose
642 0 47 unless ($base_directory =~ /$isrootRE/)
646 0 0 if $base_volume eq '' and $cw_volume ne ''
658 30 17 if ($casesensitive) { }
683 2 45 if ($fstype eq 'VMS') { }
684 1 1 if $base_directory ne ''
698 19 28 if ($path_directory ne '' and $base_directory ne '') { }
707 17 30 if ($fstype eq 'URL')
715 13 4 if $path_file_file eq $base_file_file
720 0 47 if $fstype eq 'MacOS'
743 0 0 if ($path_directory =~ /$isrootRE/)
744 0 0 if $File::PathConvert::verbose
749 0 0 if $path_volume ne '' and $File::PathConvert::verbose
752 0 0 if not defined $base or $base eq ''
758 0 0 if $base_file ne '' and $File::PathConvert::verbose
761 0 0 unless ($base_directory =~ /$isrootRE/)
765 0 0 if $base_volume eq '' and $cw_volume ne ''
775 0 0 if ($base_directory ne '' and $path_directory ne '') { }
802 152 6 if $idempotent
808 47 111 $in =~ /($sepRE)$sepRE*$/ ? :
822 97 61 if $in =~ /$isrootRE/
832 27 131 if $trailing_sep ne '' and not $in =~ /$sepRE$/