Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 38 78.9

line true false branch
10 4 11 if -d $path
11 1 10 if (-e $path)
13 6 4 if substr($mask, 0, 1) eq '0'
20 10 27 unless defined $_dir
22 2 25 if $_dir eq ''
24 15 10 unless (-d $progressive)
25 0 15 unless mkdir $progressive, $mask or -d $progressive
28 10 0 if -d $path
34 1 9 if (-e $path and not -d $path)
35 1 8 unless -d $path
36 0 8 unless empty_dir($path)
37 0 8 unless rmdir $path or not -e $path
43 0 8 if (-e $path and not -d $path)
44 0 8 unless opendir DIR, $path
45 15 8 if $_ ne '.'
47 1 7 if @contents
50 6 1 if (not -l $long and -d $long) { }
51 0 6 unless rm($long) or not -e $long
54 0 1 unless unlink $long or not -e $long