Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 28 42.8

line true false branch
29 0 1 unless $on_existing eq 'die' or $on_existing eq 'skip'
32 0 1 if $$arg{'storage_root'} and $$arg{'storage_roots'}
35 1 0 if $$arg{'storage_roots'}
38 0 1 ref $$arg{'storage_root'} ? :
48 0 1 unless $iterator
61 1 0 if exists $$arg{'metadata_getter'}
71 2 0 if $$self{'metadata_getter'}
105 8 0 length $$meta{$_} ? :
8 0 if defined $$meta{$_}
119 0 4 if -e $link and $self->_skip_existing_links
121 0 4 if ($self->hardlink) { }
122 0 0 unless link $abs_file, $link
125 0 4 unless symlink $abs_file, $link
134 0 0 if $$self{'on_existing'} eq 'skip'