Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 42 0.0

line true false branch
308 0 0 if ref(my $class = shift())
338 0 0 if $File::FindSimilars::config{'verbose'}
360 0 0 if /^..?$/
363 0 0 if ($name eq '-/') { }
0 0 elsif (-d $name) { }
384 0 0 unless m[(.*)/(.+?)\t(\d+)$]
403 0 0 unless opendir DIR, $dir
451 0 0 if @fn_wlist >= 1
453 0 0 if @fn_wlist == 1 and $fn_wlist[0] =~ /^[A-Z]/
466 0 0 if (/[[:alpha:]]/)
489 0 0 unless @$arr_ref >= 1
491 0 0 if @r
492 0 0 if grep /[\200-\377]/, @$arr_ref
520 0 0 if (/[\200-\377]{2}/) { }
572 0 0 if not $File::FindSimilars::config{'fc_level'} and $fileInfos[$ii][$N_dName] eq $fileInfos[$jj][$N_dName]
574 0 0 if (&file_diff(\@fileInfos, $ii, $jj) >= $File::FindSimilars::config{'fc_threshold'})
576 0 0 if $fnl < length $fileInfos[$jj][$N_fName]
584 0 0 unless @similar > 1
613 0 0 unless @{$fileInfos->[$ndx1][$N_fSdxl];}
632 0 0 $dfSize > $WeightfSzie ? :
634 0 0 if ($file_diff >= $File::FindSimilars::config{'fc_threshold'})