Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 44 72.7

line true false branch
15 1 13 unless exists $opts{'directory'}
17 1 12 unless -d $opts{'directory'}
19 1 11 if exists $opts{'group'} and defined $opts{'group'}
24 1 22 unless grep {$_ eq $opt;} @VALID_OPTIONS
29 4 7 unless exists $opts{'ask'} and defined $opts{'ask'}
33 8 3 unless exists $opts{'recursive'} and defined $opts{'recursive'}
57 0 3 unless open my $fh, '<', $filename
94 0 4 unless keys %$duplicates
99 4 3 if ($self->ask) { }
112 2 2 if not defined $to_keep or defined $to_keep and $to_keep == -1
131 0 3 if ($self->ask)
139 3 0 if not $self->ask or $self->ask and $response eq '' || $response =~ /^[yY]$/
151 0 3 unless unlink $file
164 0 4 if (not defined $input) { }
0 4 elsif (not $input =~ /^\-?\d+$/) { }
0 4 elsif ($input and $input > $max) { }
192 1 3 if (-d $top)
196 0 1 if $top ne $self->directory and not $self->recursive
199 0 1 unless (opendir $DIR, $top)
206 2 3 if $file =~ /^\./
210 1 0 $dirfunc ? :
213 3 0 $filefunc ? :