Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 68 61.7

line true false branch
15 152 0 if $path
17 0 0 defined $path ? :
22 122 4 @_ ? :
28 0 5 unless $self->follow
33 1 4 unless $self->resolved
38 0 4 unless $self->resolvedir
44 0 2 unless $self->relative($path)
49 2 0 if length $self->chop
58 2 0 defined $path ? :
65 0 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^opendir\b/ and $_[0] =~ /\bNot\s+a\s+directory\b/ and $Cwd::VERSION < 2.18 and not -d $file) { }
79 4 0 if eval { do { require Cwd } }
81 0 4 unless $path
82 0 4 $spec->file_name_is_absolute($file) ? :
102 19 0 if @_
110 107 0 defined $vol ? :
112 108 0 $dirs ? :
116 0 15 if ($file eq $self->curdir) { }
1 14 elsif ($file eq $self->updir) { }
124 0 1 if (not @dirs or $dirs[-1] eq $self->updir) { }
1 0 elsif (length $dirs[-1] and $dirs[-1] ne $self->curdir) { }
132 0 0 length $dirs[-1] ? :
142 14 35 if length $file
158 1 34 if @$dirs == 1 and not length $$dirs[0]
159 32 2 if length($file = CORE::pop @$dirs)
168 14 1 if defined $link
170 0 1 -l $self->path ? :
180 15 1 unless ($self->file_name_is_absolute($path))
181 0 15 unless length $self->chop
193 19 5 @_ ? :
195 1 9 if $$seen{$self->canonical}++
196 0 9 unless $self->follow
203 0 4 @_ ? :
206 0 19 unless $self->resolved($seen)
208 4 15 unless length $last