Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 26 92.3

line true false branch
50 4 83 if ($self->_path_is_excluded($path))
55 4 79 unless my $entry = $self->_entry_for_map($path)
62 3 35 $self->follow_symlinks ? :
72 51 32 -d $path ? :
74 4 79 if -l $path and not $is_dir
76 28 51 unless ($is_dir)
78 0 28 unless ('File::Spec'->splitpath($path))[2] =~ /$filter/
82 51 28 $is_dir ? :
101 8 0 if @events
116 6 27 if (not exists $new_map->{$path}) { }
2 25 elsif (not $old_map->{$path}{'is_dir'} and $old_map->{$path}{'mtime'} != $new_map->{$path}{'mtime'} || $old_map->{$path}{'size'} != $new_map->{$path}{'size'}) { }
117 2 4 if ($old_map->{$path}{'is_dir'})
139 2 12 if (-d $path) { }