Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 53 70 75.7

line true false branch
17 0 5 $^O =~ /mac/i ? :
0 5 $recsep || $^O =~ /win32/i ? :
20 0 5 unless sysopen $$self{'fh'}, $file, 0
44 0 4 if not $mode and $my_min =~ /[^\-\.\d]/ || $my_max =~ /[^\-\.\d]/
50 1 4 if (not $mode and $my_min > $my_max) { }
0 7 elsif ($mode and ($my_min cmp $my_max) eq 1) { }
73 3 18 if ($mode) { }
74 2 1 if (($my_max cmp $str) eq -1 and $_max > $_pos) { }
1 0 elsif (($my_max cmp $str) eq 1 and $_top < $_pos) { }
81 1 17 if ($my_max - $str < 0 and $_max > $_pos) { }
5 12 elsif ($my_max - $str > 0 and $_top < $_pos) { }
89 10 11 if ($mode and ($my_min cmp $str) < 1 or not $mode and $my_min <= $str) { }
102 5 16 if $_var < $read_size
111 10 5 if ($mode and ($my_max cmp $str) >= 0 or not $mode and $my_max >= $str) { }
121 5 10 if $_var < $read_size
133 1 4 if ($order_by =~ /DESC/i) { }
140 0 1 if ($read_pos < 0)
147 1 0 if $count eq 1 and $_max ne $size
154 294 0 unless (not $mode and $_s =~ /[^\-\.\d]/)
155 5 0 if !$mode && $my_min <= $_s && $_s <= $my_max || $mode && ($my_min cmp $_s) < 1 && ($_s cmp $my_max) < 1 and --$result_offset < 0 and --$result_limit >= 0
161 0 294 if not $spare || $mode and $my_min >= $_s or not $spare and $mode and ($my_min cmp $_s) >= 0
166 1 293 if $result_limit <= 0
171 0 0 if $read_pos eq 0 and !$mode && $my_min <= $_s && $_s <= $my_max || $mode && ($my_min cmp $_s) < 1 && ($_s cmp $my_max) < 1
175 1 0 if $read_pos <= $_min or $result_limit <= 0
192 3 2 $dat =~ s/($$self{'_sep_'})$// ? :
195 3 2 if $count eq 1 and $_min ne 0
198 2 3 if $read_pos >= $_max
205 783 0 unless (not $mode and $_s =~ /[^\-\.\d]/)
206 4 0 if $mode && ($my_min cmp $_s) < 1 && ($_s cmp $my_max) < 1 || !$mode && $my_min <= $_s && $_s <= $my_max and --$result_offset < 0 and --$result_limit >= 0
212 771 12 if $mode and ($my_min cmp $_s) >= 0 or not $mode and $my_min >= $_s
217 2 781 if $result_limit <= 0
222 2 1 if $read_pos >= $_max or $read_pos > $size or $result_limit <= 0
228 2 3 unless defined $spare
229 3 2 @_add ? :
246 5 0 if defined $$self{'fh'}