Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 32 100.0

line true false branch
53 114 100 if (defined $_ and &blessed($_) and $_->can('is_comparable'))
54 10 104 if ($_->can('bind_params'))
61 7 100 if (defined $_ and &blessed($_))
62 6 1 if (overload::Overloaded($_)) { }
77 40 66 if (defined $_ and $auto_placeholders) { }
88 10 88 if (grep {$_->does('Fey::Role::SQL::ReturnsData');} @rhs)
89 2 8 unless $operator =~ /$eq_comp_re|$in_comp_re/
94 5 91 if (defined $operator and lc $operator eq 'between')
95 2 3 unless @rhs == 2
99 15 79 if (@rhs > 1)
100 2 13 unless $operator =~ /^(?:$in_comp_re|between)$/i
119 5 85 if ($self->_operator =~ /$eq_comp_re/ and $self->_rhs->[0]->isa('Fey::Literal::Null'))
122 3 2 $self->_operator eq '=' ? :
131 2 83 if (lc $self->_operator eq 'between')
138 16 67 if ($self->_operator =~ /$in_comp_re/)
150 1 64 if ($self->_operator =~ /$eq_comp_re/ and @{$self->_rhs;} == 1 and &blessed($self->_rhs->[0]) and $self->_rhs->[0]->does('Fey::Role::SQL::ReturnsData'))