Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 44 75.0

line true false branch
32 0 1256 if scalar @_ > 1
41 0 3827 unless defined $key and length $key
44 0 3827 unless defined $value
48 193 3452 if ($value->isa('Farly::Object') or $value->isa('Farly::Object::List') or $value->isa('Farly::Object::Set'))
56 0 3452 unless $value->can('equals') and $value->can('contains') and $value->can('intersects') and $value->can('compare') and $value->can('as_string')
68 8925 0 if (defined $$self{$key}) { }
79 990 616 if defined $$self{$key}
84 0 9 unless delete $$self{$key}
95 57 53 if ($other->isa('Farly::Object'))
97 0 57 if (scalar keys %$self != scalar keys %$other)
108 2339 0 if ($other->isa('Farly::Object'))
111 38 3151 unless (defined $$self{$key})
114 1512 1639 unless ($$self{$key}->equals($$other{$key}))
125 7 0 if ($other->isa('Farly::Object'))
128 0 9 unless (defined $$self{$key})
131 3 6 unless ($$self{$key}->intersects($$other{$key}))
143 12 2 if ($other->isa('Farly::Object'))
146 2 11 unless (defined $$self{$key})
149 5 6 unless ($$self{$key}->contains($$other{$key}))
161 440 0 if ($other->isa('Farly::Object'))
164 242 270 unless (defined $$self{$key})
167 187 83 unless ($$other{$key}->contains($$self{$key}))