Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 66 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
809 0 0 0 $monthDay =~ /2$/ and $monthDay ne '12'
810 0 0 0 $monthDay =~ /3$/ and $monthDay ne '13'
811 0 0 0 $monthDay =~ /1$/i and $monthDay ne '11'
1202 0 0 0 $hrefHash{'friendlyURL'} and not $self->siteValue('noFriendlies')
1538 0 0 0 hex $hex >= 0 and hex $hex < 65536

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
285 0 0 $paramHash{'composition'} ||= 'qwertyupasdfghjkzxcvbnmQWERTYUPASDFGHJKZXCVBNM23456789'
286 0 0 $paramHash{'lowLength'} ||= 6
287 0 0 $paramHash{'heighLength'} ||= 6
430 0 0 $paramHash{'splitLength'} ||= 2
624 0 0 $paramHash{'format'} ||= 'dateTime'
625 0 0 $paramHash{'monthMod'} ||= 0
626 0 0 $paramHash{'dayMod'} ||= 0
627 0 0 $paramHash{'minuteMod'} ||= 0
629 0 0 $paramHash{'dateSeparator'} ||= '-'
634 0 0 $paramHash{'GMTOffset'} ||= 0
1051 0 0 $paramHash{'icon'} ||= 'blank.png'
1052 0 0 $paramHash{'alt'} ||= q['']

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
158 0 0 0 $key =~ /_\w\w$/ || $key =~ /_id/i
368 0 0 0 $paramHash{'loadingContent'} ||= ' Loading, please wait...'
462 0 0 0 $fieldName =~ /^(amp|id|pageAction|killSession|page|a|noSession|session|l|p|s|b|editMode|bs)$/ or $fieldName =~ /FWS_/i
628 0 0 0 $paramHash{'epochTime'} ||= time
649 0 0 0 defined $paramHash{'numberTime'} or defined $paramHash{'SQLTime'}
671 0 0 0 $timeSplit[1] eq '' or $timeSplit[1] == 0
672 0 0 0 $timeSplit[2] eq '' or $timeSplit[2] == 0
1198 0 0 0 $hrefHash{'type'} eq 'page' or $hrefHash{'hrefOnly'}
1229 0 0 0 $hrefHash{'type'} eq 'page' or $hrefHash{'type'} eq 'url'