Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 72 0.0

line true false branch
89 0 0 unless ($table =~ /session/ or $table =~ /^admin_/ or $excludeTables{$table})
104 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'excludeFiles'})
105 0 0 if (not $paramHash{'excludeSiteFiles'}) { }
113 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'excludeSecureFiles'} or $paramHash{'minMode'})
139 0 0 unless open my $SQLFILE, '<', $sqlFile
155 0 0 if (not $endTest =~ /'/ and $endTest =~ /;$/)
202 0 0 if ($dataType eq 'file' or $dataType eq 'secureFile')
213 0 0 if ($dataType eq 'secureFile')
219 0 0 if ($schemaHash{$fieldName}{'fieldParent'} eq $field and $schemaHash{$fieldName}{'fieldParent'})
233 0 0 if ($schemaHash{$fieldName}{'imageWidth'} < 1)
248 0 0 if ($dataType eq 'secureFile')
253 0 0 unless (-e $newFile)
255 0 0 if ($paramHash{'guid'})
304 0 0 if (-f $paramHash{'directory'} . '/' . $dirFile)
404 0 0 unless open my $FILE, '<', $fileName
453 0 0 if ($line =~ /^FILE_END\|/) { }
0 0 elsif ($fileName ne '') { }
477 0 0 if ($line =~ /^FILE\|/)
522 0 0 unless open my $SFILE, '>', $directory . '/' . $fileName
566 0 0 if ($paramHash{'fileName'})
584 0 0 if ($paramHash{'directoryList'} ne '') { }
585 0 0 if ($file =~ /^$_/)
596 0 0 if (-f $fullFileName and not $file =~ m[^/(import_|backup|cache|fws/cache)]i and not $file =~ /(.log|\.pm\.\d+)$/i and not +($file =~ m[^/fws/]i || $file =~ m[^/plugin/] || $file =~ /FWSElement-/) && $paramHash{'minMode'} and not $file =~ /FWSElement-/ && $paramHash{'noFWSBackups'} and $dirOK || $file =~ /^FWS/)
607 0 0 unless open my $FILE, '<', $fullFileName
616 0 0 if ($paramHash{'fileName'} ne '') { }
622 0 0 if ($paramHash{'fileName'})
681 0 0 if (-e $pluginFile)
734 0 0 if ($#paramArray) { }
745 0 0 if $paramHash{'directory'} eq ''
753 0 0 if ($paramHash{'directory'} =~ /^\Q$filePath\E/ or $paramHash{'directory'} =~ /^\Q$fileSecurePath\E/ or $paramHash{'nonFWS'}) { }
818 0 0 if ($guid)
835 0 0 if ($fullGUID eq $guid)
836 0 0 if ($fullElementHash{$fullGUID}{'type'} eq $guid)
842 0 0 if ($liveGUID and not $scriptRan{$liveGUID})
850 0 0 if ($elementHash{'scriptDevel'})
855 0 0 if ($errorCode)