Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 350 0.0

line true false branch
80 0 0 if ($extraValue)
121 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
143 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
189 0 0 if ($paramHash{'default'} ne 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')
197 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'} =~ /^text/i)
218 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^sqlite$/i)
227 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^mysql$/i)
228 0 0 if ($paramHash{'key'} eq 'FULLTEXT')
237 0 0 if ($paramHash{'key'} eq 'FULLTEXT')
244 0 0 if ($paramHash{'table'} eq 'trans')
249 0 0 if ($paramHash{'table'} eq 'fws_sessions')
259 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^mysql$/i)
274 0 0 unless ($tableHash{$paramHash{'table'}})
287 0 0 unless ($tableFieldHash{$paramHash{'field'}}{'type'})
296 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'} ne $tableFieldHash{$paramHash{'field'}}{'type'} and $$self{'DBType'} =~ /^mysql$/i)
304 0 0 if ($tableFieldHash{$paramHash{'table'} . '_' . $paramHash{'field'}}{'key'} ne 'MUL' and $paramHash{'key'})
336 0 0 if ($paramHash{'model'})
337 0 0 if ($paramHash{'year'})
338 0 0 if ($paramHash{'make'})
393 0 0 if (not $$self{'_DBH_' . $paramHash{'DBName'} . $paramHash{'DBHost'}} or $paramHash{'noCache'} eq '1')
398 0 0 if ($paramHash{'DBType'} =~ /mysql/i)
408 0 0 if ($paramHash{'DBType'} =~ /SQLite/i)
418 0 0 if ('DBI'->errstr)
424 0 0 unless ($$self{'_DBH_' . $paramHash{'DBName'} . $paramHash{'DBHost'}} or $paramHash{'noCache'})
454 0 0 if ($paramHash{'addTail'})
488 0 0 unless ($self->isValidEmail($emailTo))
495 0 0 if ($userHash{'guid'} and $emailFrom) { }
563 0 0 if ($paramHash{'containerId'})
575 0 0 if ($paramHash{'childGUID'} eq '' and $paramHash{'guid'} eq '' and not $paramHash{'type'} and $paramHash{'keywords'} eq '' and $paramHash{'tags'} eq '')
590 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'})
612 0 0 if ($paramHash{'childGUID'})
623 0 0 if ($paramHash{'guid'})
634 0 0 if ($paramHash{'tags'})
647 0 0 if ($incTags =~ /^$checkTag$/ || $incTags =~ /^$checkTag,/ || $incTags =~ /,$checkTag$/ || $incTags =~ /,$checkTag,$/ and $incTags and $checkTag)
673 0 0 if ($paramHash{'keywords'})
702 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^mysql$/i)
719 0 0 if ($paramHash{'showAll'} or $self->formValue('editMode') eq '1' or $self->formValue('p') =~ /^fws_/)
753 0 0 if ($dataHash{'active'} or $showMePlease and $dataHash{'siteGUID'} eq $paramHash{'siteGUID'} or $paramHash{'siteGUID'} ne $dataHash{'siteGUID'} and $dataHash{'active'})
789 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
850 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
878 0 0 if ($paramHash{'containerId'})
895 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'noOrphanDelete'})
921 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'noOrphanDelete'})
933 0 0 if ($secondTest eq $firstTest and $secondTestData eq $firstTestData) { }
972 0 0 if ($paramHash{'guid'} ne $hashArray[$i]{'guid'})
1034 0 0 if ($paramHash{'parent'})
1039 0 0 if ($paramHash{'parent'} eq '0')
1044 0 0 if ($paramHash{'siteGUID'})
1050 0 0 if ($paramHash{'plugin'})
1055 0 0 if ($paramHash{'tags'})
1067 0 0 if ($checkTag)
1073 0 0 if ($paramHash{'keywords'})
1075 0 0 if ($keywordSQL)
1089 0 0 if ($paramHash{'tags'})
1098 0 0 if ($checkTag and $$self{'elementHash'}{$guid}{'tags'} =~ /^$checkTag$/)
1101 0 0 if ($addElement)
1126 0 0 unless ($elementHash{'type'})
1144 0 0 unless ($$self{'elementHash'}{$paramHash{'guid'}}{'guid'})
1150 0 0 if ($paramHash{'guid'})
1184 0 0 unless ($key =~ /^(guid|killSession)$/)
1308 0 0 if ($paramHash{'hashArray'})
1333 0 0 unless ($$self{'createFWSDatabaseRan'})
1345 0 0 unless ($adminGUID)
1364 0 0 unless ($fwsGUID)
1374 0 0 unless ($siteGUID)
1389 0 0 if ($somethingNew)
1420 0 0 if ($paramHash{'keywords'})
1422 0 0 if ($keywordSQL)
1429 0 0 if ($paramHash{'directoryGUID'})
1430 0 0 if ($paramHash{'userGUID'})
1431 0 0 if ($paramHash{'from'})
1432 0 0 if ($paramHash{'to'})
1433 0 0 if ($paramHash{'fromName'})
1434 0 0 if ($paramHash{'subject'})
1435 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'})
1466 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
1489 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
1538 0 0 if ($paramHash{'limit'})
1539 0 0 if ($paramHash{'email'})
1540 0 0 if ($paramHash{'userGUID'})
1541 0 0 if ($paramHash{'directoryGUID'})
1542 0 0 if ($paramHash{'synced'})
1567 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
1585 0 0 if ($paramHash{'queueGUID'})
1597 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
1625 0 0 if (not $queueArray[$i]{'draft'} and !$queueArray[$i]{'type'} || $queueArray[$i]{'type'} eq 'sendmail')
1693 0 0 if ($sth)
1705 0 0 if (not $sth->errstr and $paramHash{'SQL'} =~ /^[\n\r\s]*(select|desc|show) /is)
1710 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^SQLite$/i) { }
1715 0 0 unless defined $clean
1731 0 0 unless defined $clean
1745 0 0 if ($sth->errstr)
1752 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'noUpdate'})
1858 0 0 if ($paramHash{'containerId'})
1863 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'parent'})
1890 0 0 unless ($usedHash{'guid'} or $paramHash{'newGUID'})
1892 0 0 if ($usedHash{'guid'})
1898 0 0 unless ($usedHash{'guid'})
1902 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'active'})
1907 0 0 if ($paramHash{'newGUID'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $paramHash{'guid'}) { }
1913 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'title'})
1925 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'ord'})
1937 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'} eq 'page' or $paramHash{'type'} eq 'home')
1944 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'} eq 'home' or $paramHash{'parent'})
1951 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'} eq 'home')
1993 0 0 unless ($key =~ /^ord|pageIdOfElement|keywordScore|navigationName|showResubscribe|default_element|guid_xref_site_guid|groupId|lang|friendlyURL|pageFriendlyURL|type|guid|siteGUID|newGUID|showMobile|name|element_type|active|title|disableTitle|disableEditMode|defaultElement|showLogin|parent|layout|site_guid$/)
2046 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'table'}}{'site_guid'}{'noSite'})
2056 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'table'}}{'extra_value'}{'encrypt'})
2063 0 0 if ($extraValue)
2078 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'table'}}{'extra_value'}{'encrypt'})
2088 0 0 if ($paramHash{'table'} eq 'data')
2139 0 0 if ($paramHash{'guid'} eq $hashArray[$i]{'guid'}) { }
2156 0 0 unless ($hashUpdated)
2213 0 0 if (not $paramHash{'sentDate'} or $paramHash{'sentDate'} =~ /^0000.00.00/)
2245 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'guid'})
2249 0 0 if (not @{$self->runSQL('SQL', q[select 1 from profile where email like '] . $self->safeSQL($paramHash{'email'}) . q[' LIMIT 1]);} and $paramHash{'email'} and $paramHash{'password'})
2253 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'name'})
2254 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'name'})
2259 0 0 unless (defined $paramHash{'active'})
2260 0 0 if ($paramHash{'active'} eq '')
2276 0 0 if ($self->siteValue('profileCreationEmail'))
2286 0 0 if ($paramHash{'password'} and $paramHash{'passwordConfirm'} eq $paramHash{'password'})
2313 0 0 unless ($key =~ /^(FBId|FBAccessToken|googleId|password|passwordConfirm|group|name|guid|active|pin|active|email|profile_password|passwordConfirm|password|site_guid)$/)
2359 0 0 if ($errorCode)
2390 0 0 if ($schemaHash{$key}{'index'})
2402 0 0 if ($self->siteValue('dataCacheIndex') ne $cacheValue)
2427 0 0 if ($paramHash{'type'} eq 'number') { }
2467 0 0 unless (keys %{$$self{'_' . $table . 'FieldCache'};})
2472 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^mysql$/i)
2489 0 0 if ($$self{'DBType'} =~ /^sqlite$/i)
2580 0 0 if ($pageId eq $self->homeGUID and not $paramHash{'templateGUID'})
2591 0 0 if ($pageId) { }
0 0 elsif (not $paramHash{'templateGUID'}) { }
2605 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'templateGUID'})
2612 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'templateGUID'})
2713 0 0 if ($dataCacheFields{$key} or $key =~ /^(site_guid|guid|name|title|pageIdOfElement|pageDescription)$/)
2718 0 0 unless ($tableFieldHash{$key}{'type'})
2769 0 0 if ($keywordsSQL)
2798 0 0 if ($paramHash{'ref'})
2823 0 0 if (not keys %paramHash || $self->isUserLoggedIn) { }
0 0 elsif ($paramHash{'pin'}) { }
2835 0 0 if ($paramHash{'guid'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $paramHash{'email'}) { }
2845 0 0 if (not $lookupGUID) { }
0 0 elsif ($lookupGUID =~ /@/) { }
2867 0 0 if ($self->isUserLoggedIn or $lookupGUID)
2873 0 0 unless ($lookupGUID)
2878 0 0 unless (keys %userHash)
2910 0 0 unless ($self->isUserLoggedIn or $lookupGUID)
2924 0 0 unless ($lookupGUID)
3022 0 0 unless ($$self{'upadateDatabaseRan'})
3038 0 0 if ($table)
3079 0 0 if (not $isDefault and $defaultElement)
3086 0 0 if (not $type or $isDefault > 0 or $isDefault < 0)
3093 0 0 if ($isDefault)
3105 0 0 if ($type eq 'page' or $type eq 'home')
3124 0 0 if ($site_guid)
3217 0 0 if ($listType eq 'page')
3226 0 0 if ($recurCap > 5)
3268 0 0 if ($table eq 'data')
3298 0 0 unless (keys %{$$self{'_fullElementHashCache'};})
3343 0 0 if ($type)
3362 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'guid'})
3375 0 0 if ($paramHash{'newGUID'})
3385 0 0 if (not $paramHash{'pin'} and $$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'_table'}}{'pin'}{'type'})
3419 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'table'}}{$field}{'name'})
3430 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'_table'}}{'extra_value'}{'type'})
3440 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'_table'}}{'extra_value'}{'type'})
3471 0 0 unless ($paramHash{'_keys'} and $paramHash{'_fields'})
3473 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'_table'}}{$field}{'save'})
3522 0 0 unless ($key =~ /^_/ or $key =~ /^(guid|site_guid|created_date|createdDate|siteGUID|pin)$/)
3523 0 0 if ($$self{'dataSchema'}{$paramHash{'_table'}}{'extra_value'}{'type'})
3561 0 0 if ($keyword)
3568 0 0 if ($fieldSQL)