Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 27 18.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
147 1177 1177 132 defined $NFA_l and $tree->{'symbol'} eq '*'
151 0 175 1134 defined $NFA_l and defined $NFA_r
194 0 0 0 $s == $#{$$self{'_SYMBOL_POS'};} + 1 and not $DFA->is_final($ns)
224 0 0 0 $s == $#{$$self{'_SYMBOL_POS'};} + 1 and not $DFA->is_final($ns)
305 0 0 0 $tree->{'left'}{'fp_nullable'} == 1 and $tree->{'right'}{'fp_nullable'} == 1
351 0 0 0 $tree->{'left'}{'lp_nullable'} == 1 and $tree->{'right'}{'lp_nullable'} == 1
372 0 0 0 not defined $tree->{'pos'} and $tree->{'symbol'} ne '|'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
292 0 0 0 $tree->{'left'}{'fp_nullable'} == 1 or $tree->{'right'}{'fp_nullable'} == 1
338 0 0 0 $tree->{'left'}{'lp_nullable'} == 1 or $tree->{'right'}{'lp_nullable'} == 1