Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 34 52.9

line true false branch
29 0 85 unless $success
33 3 82 if (defined $typemap_code and $typemap_code =~ /\S/)
34 3 0 if (exists $$generated{'-'} and $$generated{'-'} ne '') { }
0 0 elsif (my(@files) = grep((!/^-$/), keys %$generated)) { }
52 0 1 unless $generated
60 1 1 if ($f eq '-') { }
61 0 1 if ($self->xsubpp) { }
68 0 0 unless print $fh $$out{$f}
69 0 0 unless close $fh
73 0 0 if $exit_code
75 0 1 unless print $$out{$f}
80 0 1 unless open my $fh, '>', $f
82 0 1 unless print $fh $$out{$f}
83 0 1 unless close $fh
105 82 182 if ($e->isa('ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::Module'))
108 8 256 if ($e->isa('ExtUtils::XSpp::Node::File'))
128 84 1 unless $_[0]{'typemaps'}