Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 322 766 42.0

line true false branch
41 0 52 if ($^O eq "darwin")
43 0 0 if ($^X eq "/usr/bin/perl")
51 0 52 if ($Is{'VMS'})
137 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
143 0 0 if ($Is{'ApplCor'})
147 0 0 if (my $cpp = $self->{'CPPRUN'})
156 0 0 $self->{'XSMULTI'} ? :
164 0 0 unless $Is{'OS2'} or $Is{'Win32'} or $Is{'Dos'}
165 0 0 $self->{'XSMULTI'} ? :
168 0 0 $dbgout ? :
0 0 $m_o ? :
212 0 154 if $self->{'CFLAGS'}
213 153 1 unless $self->needs_linking
227 0 1 if ($ENV{'PERL_CORE'})
229 0 0 if (exists $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{$x})
247 1 0 if ($libperl =~ /libperl(\w*)\Q$self->{'LIB_EXT'}\E/) { }
252 0 1 $map{$uc} ? :
254 0 1 if ($uc =~ /^D/)
261 0 1 if ($prog = $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{$name})
263 0 0 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
278 0 0 if ($line =~ /(.*?)=\s*(.*)\s*$/) { }
280 0 0 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
287 0 1 if ($optdebug)
299 0 1 if ($self->{'POLLUTE'})
304 1 0 unless exists $cflags{$x}
305 0 0 $cflags{$x} =~ /^\s/ ? :
309 0 1 if ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'usemymalloc'} and not $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'bincompat5005'} and not $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'ccflags'} =~ /-DPERL_POLLUTE_MALLOC\b/ and $self->{'PERL_MALLOC_OK'})
334 0 153 if $self->{'CONST_CCCMD'}
335 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
364 0 3542 if $once_only{$key}
380 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
390 0 0 unless defined $self->{$tmp}
397 0 0 unless $self->{$tmp}
447 466 13394 unless defined $self->{$macro}
453 308 13086 if $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::macro_dep{$macro}
476 308 1540 unless defined $self->{$macro}
493 0 153 if $Is{'ApplCor'} and $self->{'PERL_INC'} =~ m[^/System/Library/Perl/]
498 0 153 if $Is{'ApplCor'}
503 153 0 if -e $self->catfile($self->{'PERL_INC'}, "config.h") and not $Is{'ApplCor'}
545 0 0 unless defined $key and defined $val
638 154 1 unless $self->{'DISTNAME'}
657 0 96 if ($attribs{'SUFFIX'} and not $attribs{'SUFFIX'} =~ /^\./)
917 153 0 unless $self->has_link_code
919 0 0 if ($self->{'XSMULTI'}) { }
933 0 0 if $self->{'XSMULTI'} and $d[0] eq "lib"
935 0 0 if $basename eq "\$(BASEEXT)"
965 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
966 0 0 unless $self->has_link_code
970 0 0 if ($self->{'XSMULTI'}) { }
975 0 0 if $d[0] eq "lib"
976 0 0 if $d[$#d] eq ""
981 0 0 if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname)
987 0 0 unless defined $objfile
989 0 0 unless defined $ldfrom
992 0 0 $dlsyms_ext ? :
997 0 0 $dlsyms_ext ? :
1016 0 0 $Is{'OS2'} ? :
1017 0 0 $Is{'OS2'} ? :
1031 0 0 if $Is{'OSF'} and $armaybe eq ":"
1043 0 0 if $exportlist ne "\$(EXPORT_LIST)"
1047 0 0 if ($armaybe ne ":")
1052 0 0 if $Is{'OSF'}
1056 0 0 if ($self->{'LD_RUN_PATH'})
1057 0 0 if ($Is{'IRIX'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'darwin' and $Is{'AppleRPath'}) { }
1076 0 0 if ($Is{'NetBSD'} || $Is{'Interix'} || $Is{'Android'} and $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'useshrplib'} eq "true")
1081 0 0 if ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'lddlflags'} =~ /-Wl,-R/) { }
0 0 elsif ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'lddlflags'} =~ /-R/) { }
0 0 elsif ($Is{'Android'}) { }
1093 0 0 if ($self->{'LD_RUN_PATH'} ne "")
1138 0 99 if ($trace >= 2)
1149 99 0 unless ($Is{'BSD'})
1151 99 0 if (open STDERR_COPY, '>&STDERR') { }
1164 99 0 if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($name)) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->canonpath($name) eq $self->canonpath(basename($name))) { }
1172 0 99 $use_dir ? :
1173 0 99 unless defined $dir
1175 0 99 if $use_dir
1178 0 99 if $trace >= 2
1179 0 99 unless $self->maybe_command($abs)
1180 0 99 if $trace >= 2
1191 0 99 if ($Is{'BSD'}) { }
1194 99 0 if $stderr_duped
1198 99 0 if $stderr_duped
1202 99 0 if ($val =~ /^VER_OK/m) { }
0 0 elsif ($trace >= 2) { }
1203 0 99 if $trace
1230 0 6 unless open my $fixin, "<", $file
1233 0 6 unless $line =~ s/^\s*\#!\s*//
1236 1 5 unless defined $shb
1238 0 5 unless (open my $fixout, ">", "$file_new")
1252 0 5 unless (_rename($file, $file_bak))
1256 0 5 unless (_rename($file_new, $file))
1258 0 0 unless (_rename($file_bak, $file))
1267 0 6 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'eunicefix'} ne ":"
1276 0 20 if ($Is{'VMS'} and not basename($file) =~ /\./)
1295 0 6 if (defined $ENV{'PERL_MM_SHEBANG'} and $ENV{'PERL_MM_SHEBANG'} eq 'relocatable') { }
3 3 elsif ($cmd =~ /^perl(?:\z|[^a-z])/) { }
1299 3 0 if ($ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'startperl'} =~ m[^\#!.*/perl]) { }
1314 3 9 if ($self->maybe_command($maybefile))
1315 0 3 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose and $interpreter
1326 3 0 if ($origcmd ne $interpreter and $self->file_name_is_absolute($origcmd))
1328 1 2 if ($self->maybe_command($origcmd) and grep {$_ eq $origdir;} @absdirs)
1331 1 0 if ($odev == $idev and $oino eq $iino)
1332 0 1 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
1344 5 1 if ($interpreter) { }
1345 0 5 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
1348 5 0 if ($does_shbang)
1350 3 2 if defined $arg
1355 0 1 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
1407 614 159 if defined $self->{'HAS_LINK_CODE'}
1408 2 156 unless $self->{'C'}
2 156 if ($self->{'OBJECT'} or @{[] unless $self->{'C'};} or $self->{'MYEXTLIB'})
1433 0 155 $Is{'VMS'} ? :
1435 0 155 $Is{'VMS'} ? :
1438 0 155 if $Is{'VMS'}
1440 0 155 if (defined $self->{'XS'} and not defined $self->{'C'})
1448 0 1251 if $name =~ /\#/
1449 0 1251 if $name =~ /$distprefix/ and -d $name
1450 0 1251 if $Is{'VMS'}
1451 451 645 if $name eq $Curdir or $name eq $Updir or $ignore{$name}
1452 4 641 unless $self->libscan($name)
1453 298 343 if (-d $name) { }
0 343 elsif ($name =~ /\.xs\z/) { }
0 343 elsif ($name =~ /\.c(pp|xx|c)?\z/i) { }
0 343 elsif ($name =~ /\.h\z/i) { }
0 343 elsif ($name =~ /\.PL\z/) { }
0 343 elsif ($Is{'VMS'} || $Is{'Dos'} and $name =~ /[._]pl$/i) { }
0 343 elsif ($name =~ /\.(p[ml]|pod)\z/) { }
1454 0 298 if -l $name
1455 0 298 if $self->{'NORECURS'}
1456 58 240 if -f $self->catfile($name, "Makefile.PL")
1462 0 0 unless $name =~ /perlmain\.c/
1472 0 0 if ($txt =~ /Extracting \S+ \(with variable substitutions/) { }
1508 229 81 if ($$self{"${man}PODS"} or $$self{"INSTALL${man}DIR"} =~ /^(none|\s*)$/) { }
1522 2 308 if $installdirs eq "PERL"
1529 48 2557 if ($mandir =~ /^(?:man|cat)$_$/)
1544 42 0 if (open my $fh, '<', $file) { }
1546 22 189 if (/^=(?:head\d+|item|pod)\b/)
1570 1 39 if (exists $self->{'EXE_FILES'})
1572 0 1 unless $self->_has_pod($name)
1595 0 41 if ($name =~ /\.pod\z/) { }
41 0 elsif ($name =~ /\.p[ml]\z/) { }
1598 21 20 if ($self->_has_pod($name))
1610 0 21 if ($self->{'PERL_CORE'} and $name =~ /(config|setup).*\.pm/is or $name =~ /^README\.pod$/i)
1620 0 21 unless ($manpagename =~ s/^\W*($parentlibs_re)\W+//s)
1667 155 0 unless ($self->{'PMLIBDIRS'})
1668 0 155 if ($Is{'VMS'}) { }
1685 123 187 if -d $pmlibdir and not $dir{$pmlibdir}
1688 155 0 unless ($self->{'PMLIBPARENTDIRS'})
1692 1 154 if $self->{'PM'} and $self->{'ARGS'}{'PM'}
1694 122 32 if (@{$self->{'PMLIBDIRS'};})
1695 0 122 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
1699 244 122 if (-d $_)
1700 0 244 unless ($self->libscan($_))
1705 0 122 if /\#/
1706 0 122 if /~$/
1707 0 122 if /,v$/
1708 0 122 if /\.swp$/
1716 122 0 if ($striplibpath = $path) =~ s/^(\W*)($parentlibs_re)\W/$1/i
1721 0 122 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
1722 0 122 unless $inst
1723 0 122 if ($self->{'XSMULTI'} and $inst =~ /\.xs\z/) { }
1785 0 155 if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname)
1792 0 155 if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname) { }
1806 155 0 unless ($self->{'PERL_SRC'})
1810 0 0 if (-f $self->catfile($dir, "config_h.SH") and -f $self->catfile($dir, "perl.h") and -f $self->catfile($dir, "lib", ""))
1821 0 155 if $self->{'PERL_CORE'} and not $self->{'PERL_SRC'}
1823 0 155 if ($self->{'PERL_SRC'}) { }
1828 0 0 $Is{'Win32'} ? :
1831 0 0 unless (-s $self->catfile($self->{'PERL_SRC'}, "cflags") or $Is{'VMS'} and -s $self->catfile($self->{'PERL_SRC'}, "vmsish.h") or $Is{'Win32'})
1862 0 0 unless (-f ($perl_h = $self->catfile($self->{'PERL_INC'}, "perl.h")) or $old)
1868 0 0 if -e $self->catfile($dir, "")
1870 0 0 if ($lib)
1873 0 0 $Is{'Win32'} ? :
1875 0 0 if (-e $self->catfile($inc, "perl.h"))
1888 0 155 if ($Is{'Android'})
1913 0 155 if $self->{'CONFIG'} and ref $self->{'CONFIG'} ne "ARRAY"
1914 155 0 unless ref $self->{'CONFIG'}
1916 0 155 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'shellflags'}
1919 0 3565 if $once_only{$m}
1921 0 3565 unless exists $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{$m}
1947 0 155 unless -f $self->catfile("$self->{'PERL_LIB'}", "") or $self->{'NAME'} eq "ExtUtils::MakeMaker"
2026 0 459 if ($self->{$Lib} and not $self->{$Arch})
2031 0 0 unless (-d $self->{$Arch})
2032 0 0 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
2036 0 0 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose
2069 1561 155 if defined $component
2076 0 156 $Is{'VMS'} ? :
0 156 unless $Is{'VMS'} ? $thisperl =~ /$ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'exe_ext'}(;\d+)?$/i : $thisperl =~ /$ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'exe_ext'}$/i
2080 0 156 if $self->{'PERL_CORE'}
2089 0 156 if ($self->{'PERL_CORE'}) { }
2106 156 0 if -x $stripped_perl
2107 0 0 unless $perl =~ s/(\s+\S+)$//
2111 0 156 if $has_mcr or $Is{'VMS'}
2116 0 0 if $Is{'VMS'} and defined $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'usevmsdebug'} and $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'usevmsdebug'} eq "define"
2121 99 57 unless ($self->{'FULLPERL'})
2127 0 156 if $Is{'VMS'}
2132 0 156 if $self->is_make_type("dmake")
2138 156 0 if ($self->file_name_is_absolute($self->{'ABSPERL'})) { }
2146 0 0 if $self->{'ABSPERL'} =~ /\s/
2148 0 0 if $has_mcr
2154 0 156 if $Is{'VMS'}
2159 0 156 if $self->is_make_type("dmake")
2162 91 65 unless exists $self->{'PERL_CORE'}
2163 99 57 unless defined $self->{'PERL_CORE'}
2167 0 0 $self->{'PERL_ARCHLIB'} && $self->{'PERL_LIB'} && $self->{'PERL_ARCHLIB'} ne $self->{'PERL_LIB'} ? :
0 156 $self->{'UNINSTALLED_PERL'} || $self->{'PERL_CORE'} ? :
2171 156 0 $self->{'INST_ARCHLIB'} ne $self->{'INST_LIB'} ? :
2178 0 468 if $lib_paths
2211 0 306 unless defined $self->{$macro}
2230 155 0 unless defined $self->{'PERM_DIR'}
2231 155 0 unless defined $self->{'PERM_RW'}
2232 155 0 unless defined $self->{'PERM_RWX'}
2250 0 155 if ($self->has_link_code) { }
2257 0 0 if ($self->{'XSMULTI'})
2263 0 0 if defined $d[0] and $d[0] eq "lib"
2264 0 0 if $d[$#d] eq ""
2272 0 0 if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname)
2332 96 0 unless $self->{'NO_PACKLIST'}
2351 96 0 unless $self->{'NO_PACKLIST'}
2369 96 0 unless $self->{'NO_PACKLIST'}
2391 0 96 if $self->{'NO_PERLLOCAL'}
2427 96 0 unless $self->{'NO_PERLLOCAL'}
2455 152 1 unless $self->{'EXE_FILES'} and ref $self->{'EXE_FILES'} eq "ARRAY"
2457 0 1 unless @exefiles
2459 0 1 if $Is{'VMS'}
2467 0 1 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
2469 0 1 if $Is{'VMS'}
2516 153 0 unless defined $linktype
2517 0 153 if (defined $linktype and $linktype eq "")
2520 0 153 unless defined $linktype
2537 299 0 defined $dir ? :
0 299 unless opendir my $dh, defined $dir ? $dir : "."
2541 144 155 if defined $regex
2577 1 153 unless $perlinc
2583 1 153 unless $perlinc
2585 57 97 if $self->{'PARENT'}
2589 97 0 unless ($self->{'MAKEAPERL'})
2603 1 0 if ($arg =~ /(^.*?=)(.*['\s].*)/)
2617 0 0 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'useshrplib'} eq "true"
2629 0 0 unless $static
2632 0 0 unless $extra and ref $extra eq "ARRAY"
2634 0 0 unless /\Q$self->{'LIB_EXT'}\E\z/
2639 0 0 unless $perlinc
2657 0 0 if (defined $libperl)
2660 0 0 unless ($libperl and -f $lperl)
2662 0 0 if $self->{'UNINSTALLED_PERL'}
2668 0 0 unless (-f $libperl or -f $lperl)
2670 0 0 if ($Is{'SunOS'})
2673 0 0 if $Is{'SunOS4'}
2677 0 0 unless -f $lperl or defined $self->{'PERL_SRC'}
2685 0 0 $libperl ? :
2704 0 0 $self->{'XSMULTI'} ? :
2717 0 0 $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'usedl'} ? :
2727 0 0 if defined &Dos::UseLFN and Dos::UseLFN() == 0
2769 0 0 if ($File::Find::name =~ m[/auto/share\z])
2777 0 0 unless /\Q$self->{'LIB_EXT'}\E$/
2779 0 0 unless -f "extralibs.ld"
2782 0 0 if /^libperl/ or /^perl\Q$self->{'LIB_EXT'}\E$/
2786 0 0 if /_pure_\w+_\w+_\w+\.\w+$/ and -f "$File::Find::dir/.pure"
2788 0 0 if (exists $self->{'INCLUDE_EXT'}) { }
0 0 elsif (exists $self->{'EXCLUDE_EXT'}) { }
2798 0 0 if ($xx eq $incl)
2803 0 0 unless $found
2812 0 0 if $xx eq $excl
2823 0 0 if $File::Find::name =~ /\Q$installed_version\E\z/
2824 0 0 unless $self->xs_static_lib_is_xs($_)
2827 0 0 unless $searchdirs
2860 0 153 if $self->{'OBJECT'}
2862 0 153 $Is{'VMS'} ? :
2865 0 153 if (defined $::Cross::platform)
2897 104 93 if -x $file and not -d $file
2913 0 1660 if $caller =~ /^ExtUtils::MakeMaker::/
2915 1507 153 if defined $self->{'NEEDS_LINKING'}
2916 0 153 if ($self->has_link_code or $self->{'MAKEAPERL'})
2921 0 56 if ($self->{'CHILDREN'}{$child}->needs_linking)
2941 0 13 unless open my $fh, "<", $parsefile
2948 2 51 /^=cut/ ? :
17 53 /^=(?!cut)/ ? :
2949 18 52 unless $inpod
2952 1 51 if (/^=encoding\s*(.*)$/i)
2956 13 39 if (/^($package(?:\.pm)? \s+ -+ \s+)(.*)/x)
2960 34 5 unless $result
2962 3 2 if ($result and /^\s*$/ || /^\=/)
2969 1 12 if ($pod_encoding and not "$]" < 5.008 || !$ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'useperlio'})
3008 0 155 unless open my $fh, "<", $parsefile
3011 0 355 /^=cut/ ? :
0 355 /^=(?!cut)/ ? :
3012 0 355 if $inpod or /^\s*#/
3014 2 353 if /^\s*(if|unless|elsif)/
3015 16 337 if (/^ \s* package \s+ \w[\w\:\']* \s+ (v?[0-9._]+) \s* (;|\{) /x) { }
130 207 elsif (/(?<!\\) ([\$*]) (([\w\:\']*) \bVERSION)\b .* (?<![<>=!])\=[^=]/x) { }
3025 142 4 if defined $result
3029 3 152 if (defined $result and not $result =~ /^v?[\d_\.]+$/)
3032 1 2 if defined $normal
3034 142 13 if (defined $result)
3036 2 140 unless $result =~ /^v?[\d_\.]+$/ or eval {
3038 13 142 unless defined $result
3055 130 0 if $line =~ /^(.+)/s
3082 0 153 $Is{'VMS'} ? :
3089 457 461 unless defined $self->{$key}
3098 0 306 if defined $self->{$key}
3118 1 0 if -r $file and -f _
3135 0 153 if $self->{'PERL_SRC'}
3147 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
3149 0 0 if ($self->{'OBJECT'})
3155 0 0 if %{$self->{'XS'};}
3212 5 148 ref $self->{'AUTHOR'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
3226 5 148 if ($self->{'MIN_PERL_VERSION'})
3242 4 31 unless $name =~ /::/
3246 18 17 if $version
3256 153 0 if ("$]" >= "5.008")
3263 0 153 if ($self->{'PPM_INSTALL_SCRIPT'})
3264 0 0 if ($self->{'PPM_INSTALL_EXEC'}) { }
3274 0 153 if ($self->{'PPM_UNINSTALL_SCRIPT'})
3275 0 0 if ($self->{'PPM_UNINSTALL_EXEC'}) { }
3336 0 2221 if $sprefix =~ m[/$]
3338 0 2221 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
3339 0 2221 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
3341 14 2207 if ($self->{'ARGS'}{'PREFIX'} and not $path =~ s/^\Q$sprefix\E\b/$rprefix/s)
3345 0 14 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
3346 0 14 if not $default and $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
3348 14 0 if $default
3351 0 2221 if $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Verbose >= 2
3366 0 153 unless $pl_files
3374 0 0 ref $targets eq 'ARRAY' ? :
0 0 ref $targets eq 'HASH' ? :
3377 0 0 if ($Is{'VMS'})
3389 0 0 if (defined $self->{'PM'}{$target}) { }
3399 0 0 if (ref $targets eq "HASH")
3402 0 0 ref $targets->{$target} ? :
3405 0 0 if ($Is{'VMS'})
3490 322 2066 unless defined $switches
3523 4182 8633 unless defined $opts->{'allow_variables'}
3529 4183 8632 $opts->{'allow_variables'} ? :
3557 154 608 unless (defined $self->{'_MAX_EXEC_LEN'})
3558 0 154 if (my $arg_max = eval {
3590 153 0 unless $self->has_link_code
3593 0 0 if ($self->{'XSMULTI'}) { }
3597 0 0 if $d[0] eq "lib"
3639 0 0 if $self->{'PERL_SRC'} and $self->{'EXTRALIBS'}
3656 0 0 unless $self->{'MYEXTLIB'}
3669 0 0 if (exists $self->{'FULL_AR'} and -x $self->{'FULL_AR'}) { }
3696 0 153 if (@{$self->{'C'};})
3761 56 97 if (@m) { }
3783 0 153 if (not $tests and -d 't' and defined $attribs{'RECURSIVE_TEST_FILES'}) { }
113 40 elsif (not $tests and -d 't') { }
3790 0 153 if $self->is_make_type("nmake")
3793 153 0 $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'usedl'} ? :
3821 226 80 if ($tests or -f '') { }
3826 226 226 $db eq 'db' ? :
3827 0 452 if ($linktype eq 'static' and $self->needs_linking) { }
3835 226 226 if ($db eq 'db') { }
3838 112 114 if -f ""
3840 226 0 if $tests
3889 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
3895 0 0 if $self->{'PERL_CORE'}
3900 0 0 if (-r $self->catfile($xsdir, "xsubpp"))
3905 0 0 unless $foundxsubpp
3909 0 0 if ($self->{'TYPEMAPS'})
3911 0 0 if (not -f $typemap) { }
3915 0 0 if $Is{'VMS'}
3920 0 0 if -f "typemap"
3931 0 0 if (exists $self->{'XSOPT'})
3935 0 0 if ($Is{'VMS'} and $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'ldflags'} and $ExtUtils::MM_Unix::Config{'ldflags'} =~ m[/Debug]i and not exists $self->{'XSOPT'} && $self->{'XSOPT'} =~ /linenumbers/)
3945 0 0 unless defined $self->{'XSPROTOARG'}
3988 153 0 unless $self->{'SKIPHASH'}{'all'}
4003 0 153 unless $self->{'O_FILES'}
0 0 unless $self->{'H'}
0 153 if @{[] unless $self->{'O_FILES'};} and @{[] unless $self->{'H'};}
4036 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
4052 0 0 unless $self->needs_linking
4071 153 0 unless $self->needs_linking
4072 0 0 $self->{'XSMULTI'} ? :
4074 0 0 $dbgout ? :
4077 0 0 unless $self->is_make_type("dmake")
4083 0 0 if ($self->{'XSMULTI'})
4086 0 0 unless -f $pmfile
4105 0 0 if $Is{'ApplCor'}
4113 0 0 unless defined $value
4120 0 0 if $self->{'XSBUILD'}{$xstype}{$ext}{$varname}
4122 0 0 if $self->{'XSBUILD'}{$xstype}{'all'}{$varname}