Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 68 104 65.3

line true false branch
23 2 25 unless defined $prefix and defined $path
25 0 25 if ($Is_VMS)
33 12 13 if substr($path, 0, length $prefix) eq $prefix
35 0 13 if ($DOSISH)
38 0 0 if $path =~ /^\Q$prefix\E/i
48 0 4 $man1dir && $self->_is_prefix($path, $man1dir) || $man3dir && $self->_is_prefix($path, $man3dir) ? :
56 5 9 if $type eq "all"
58 0 9 if $type eq "doc"
60 8 1 if ($type eq "prog")
62 4 4 $self->_is_prefix($path, $conf->{'prefix'} || $conf->{'prefixexp'}) && !$self->_is_doc($path) ? :
69 6 4 unless @under
71 7 8 if $self->_is_prefix($path, $dir)
80 0 12 if ($Is_VMS)
85 0 12 if ($DOSISH)
88 6 6 wantarray ? :
100 6 299 if (not $modfile) { }
108 299 2604 if (-r $p)
109 0 299 if $Is_VMS
128 0 0 if $INSTALLED and $args{'default_get'} || $args{'default'}
132 0 6 if $args{'default_set'} or $args{'default'}
135 1 5 if ($args{'config_override'}) { }
136 0 1 unless eval { do { $self->{':private:'}{'Config'} = {%{$args{'config_override'};}} } }
150 2 10 if ($args{$arg}) { }
10 0 elsif ($val) { }
151 0 2 unless eval { do { $self->{':private:'}{$key} = [@{$args{$arg};}] } }
164 6 53 unless $_ ne "."
165 72 12 if -e $_
179 20964 607 if $_ ne ".packlist" or $File::Find::dir eq $archlib
184 10 597 unless (my $found = $module =~ s[^.*?/auto/(.*)/.packlist][$1]s)
193 298 299 if $self->{$module}
198 0 57 unless -d $root
211 0 0 if (open PACKFH, $file)
213 0 0 if (/package\s+(\S+)\s*;/)
218 0 0 if (lc $pack eq lc $orig_module)
227 0 0 unless $module
235 0 2 unless ref $self
240 1 1 wantarray ? :
245 0 7 unless ref $self
248 1 6 unless exists $self->{$module}
249 2 4 unless defined $type
250 1 3 if $type ne "all" and $type ne "prog" and $type ne "doc"
255 5 5 if $self->_is_type($file, $type) and $self->_is_under($file, @under)
264 0 2 unless ref $self
274 0 0 unless ref $self
282 0 0 unless $self->_is_under($dir, @under)
291 0 2 unless ref $self
292 1 1 unless exists $self->{$module}
298 0 2 unless ref $self
299 1 1 unless exists $self->{$module}
305 0 2 unless ref $self
306 1 1 unless exists $self->{$module}
312 0 0 unless ref $self