Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 29 79.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
160 10 1 1 exists $args{'include_dirs'} && ref $args{'include_dirs'} ne 'ARRAY'
239 0 0 10 defined $args{'module_name'} and length $args{'module_name'}
318 1 8 0 $args{'lddl'} and $self->need_prelink
374 31 1 2 -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($dir, 'config_h.SH') and -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($dir, 'perl.h')
32 1 1 -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($dir, 'config_h.SH') and -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($dir, 'perl.h') and -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($dir, 'lib', '')

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
291 1 1 $args->{'dl_vars'} || []
1 1 $args->{'dl_funcs'} || {}
1 1 $args->{'dl_func_list'} || []
1 1 $args->{'dl_imports'} || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
90 21 1 0 'File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($perl = $^X) or -f ($perl = $Config::Config{'perlpath'})
313 0 9 0 $args{$type} || $self->$type($objects->[0], %args)