Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 38 52.6

line true false branch
24 0 6 unless (open $fh, '>', $filename)
28 2 4 if ($args{'nonblocking'}) { }
29 1 1 unless (flock $fh, 6)
30 0 1 if ($! != 11)
37 0 4 unless (flock $fh, 2)
42 6 0 $s ? :
0 6 unless (-f $filename and &ExclusiveLock::Guard::stat($fh)->ino == do { my $s = &ExclusiveLock::Guard::stat($filename); $s ? $s->ino : -1 })
43 0 0 unless (flock $fh, 8)
47 0 0 unless (close $fh)
51 0 0 if ($retry_count and ++$count > $retry_count)
71 1 5 unless $self->{'is_locked'}
75 0 5 unless (close $fh)
81 5 0 if (open my $unlink_fh, '<', $filename)
83 4 1 if (flock $unlink_fh, 6)
84 4 0 $s ? :
4 0 if (-f $filename and &ExclusiveLock::Guard::stat($unlink_fh)->ino == do { my $s = &ExclusiveLock::Guard::stat($filename); $s ? $s->ino : -1 })
85 0 4 unless (unlink $filename)
88 0 4 unless (flock $unlink_fh, 8)
91 0 4 unless (close $unlink_fh)