Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1513 1804 83.8

line true false branch
233 10 1408 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1)
247 8 1410 if ($self->{'_excel2003_style'})
276 10 1031 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1)
315 1068 10 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 0) { }
332 8 1070 if ($self->{'_excel2003_style'})
509 6 24 if ($password ne "")
538 60 0 if (exists $defaults{$key}) { }
566 0 9 if (not defined $range) { }
577 7 2 unless (defined $range_name)
581 2 7 if (defined $password)
641 190 45 if ($cell =~ /^\D/)
650 0 235 if @data < 3
660 0 235 unless defined $first_col
661 0 235 unless defined $last_col
664 33 202 if $last_col == 0
667 1 234 if $first_col > $last_col
675 18 217 if ref $format
676 6 229 if $width and $hidden
678 0 235 if $self->_check_dimensions(0, $first_col, $ignore_row, $ignore_col)
680 2 233 if $self->_check_dimensions(0, $last_col, $ignore_row, $ignore_col)
684 232 1 unless defined $level
685 0 233 if $level < 0
686 0 233 if $level > 7
688 1 232 if ($level > $self->{'_outline_col_level'})
700 28 205 unless defined $width
704 18 398 if $format
722 33 0 if ($cell =~ /^\D/)
731 0 33 if @data < 3
741 32 1 if ($pixels)
763 0 36 unless @_
766 33 3 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
772 28 8 if (@_ == 2) { }
8 0 elsif (@_ == 4) { }
786 3 5 if ($row_first > $row_last)
790 3 5 if ($col_first > $col_last)
804 4 32 if $sqref eq "A1"
820 0 66 unless @_
823 10 56 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
903 0 2 defined $_[0] ? :
933 19 0 if ($paper_size)
957 0 34 if (length $string > 255)
963 1 33 if (defined $options->{'align_with_margins'})
967 1 33 if (defined $options->{'scale_with_doc'})
974 21 13 if ($options->{'image_left'})
978 8 26 if ($options->{'image_center'})
982 5 29 if ($options->{'image_right'})
989 0 34 if ($image_count != $placeholder_count)
996 23 11 if ($image_count)
1023 0 15 if (length $string > 255)
1029 1 14 if (defined $options->{'align_with_margins'})
1033 1 14 if (defined $options->{'scale_with_doc'})
1040 4 11 if ($options->{'image_left'})
1044 3 12 if ($options->{'image_center'})
1048 5 10 if ($options->{'image_right'})
1055 0 15 if ($image_count != $placeholder_count)
1062 6 9 if ($image_count)
1162 5 0 if (defined $margin) { }
1182 5 0 if (defined $margin) { }
1202 5 0 if (defined $margin) { }
1223 5 0 if (defined $margin) { }
1270 3 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
1307 9 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
1311 0 9 if @_ != 4
1316 1 8 if ($row1 == 0 and $col1 == 0 and $row2 == $self->{'_xls_rowmax'} - 1 and $col2 == $self->{'_xls_colmax'} - 1)
1342 30 2 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
1346 0 32 if @_ != 4
1351 0 32 if $row2 < $row1
1352 0 32 if $col2 < $col1
1377 0 25 unless $self->{'_autofilter'}
1378 0 25 unless @_ == 2
1383 24 1 if ($col =~ /^\D/)
1389 0 24 if $col >= $self->{'_xls_colmax'}
1395 0 25 if ($col < $col_first or $col > $col_last)
1403 0 25 unless @tokens == 3 or @tokens == 7
1411 6 19 if (@tokens == 2 and $tokens[0] == 2) { }
3 16 elsif (@tokens == 5 and $tokens[0] == 2 and $tokens[2] == 1 and $tokens[3] == 2) { }
1450 0 14 unless $self->{'_autofilter'}
1451 0 14 unless @tokens
1455 5 9 if ($col =~ /^\D/)
1461 0 5 if $col >= $self->{'_xls_colmax'}
1467 0 14 if ($col < $col_first or $col > $col_last)
1497 2 65 unless $expression
1532 10 39 if (@tokens == 7) { }
1536 5 5 if ($conditional =~ /^(and|&&)$/) { }
5 0 elsif ($conditional =~ /^(or|\|\|)$/) { }
1594 4 55 if ($tokens[0] =~ /^top|bottom$/i)
1598 0 4 if ($value =~ /\D/ or $value < 1 or $value > 500)
1608 0 4 if ($token ne "items" and $token ne "%")
1613 2 2 if ($tokens[0] =~ /^top$/i) { }
1620 2 2 if ($tokens[2] eq "%")
1628 0 0 if (not $operator and $tokens[0])
1635 7 52 if ($token =~ /^blanks|nonblanks$/i)
1638 0 7 if ($operator != 2 and $operator != 5)
1647 4 3 if ($token eq 'blanks') { }
1648 1 3 if ($operator == 5)
1653 1 2 if ($operator == 5) { }
1667 3 56 if ($operator == 2 and $token =~ /[*?]/)
1704 1 39 if ($row_num_1 == 0 and $row_num_2 == $self->{'_xls_rowmax'} - 1) { }
1 38 elsif ($col_num_1 == 0 and $col_num_2 == $self->{'_xls_colmax'} - 1) { }
1720 1 39 if ($range1 eq $range2 and not $row_col_only) { }
1747 9 3 defined $_[0] ? :
1750 5 7 if ($option == 0) { }
4 3 elsif ($option == 1) { }
1776 0 2 defined $_[0] ? :
1778 2 0 if ($headers) { }
1813 5 1 defined $_[0] ? :
1814 4 2 defined $_[1] ? :
1859 0 3 if ($scale < 10 or $scale > 400)
1880 0 3 if ($scale < 10 or $scale > 400)
1918 0 0 if (defined $_[0]) { }
1937 0 2 defined $_[0] ? :
1951 44 0 if defined $_[0]
1965 0 1 defined $_[0] ? :
1979 0 1 defined $_[0] ? :
1992 0 2 defined $_[0] ? :
1994 2 0 if ($page_order) { }
2013 0 3 unless defined $_[0]
2033 0 0 if $row > $self->{'_xls_rowmax'}
2034 0 0 if $col > $self->{'_xls_colmax'}
2051 0 0 unless @_ == 2
2052 0 0 unless ref $_[1] eq "CODE"
2072 1112 9876 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2079 20 10968 unless defined $token
2087 0 0 if ($token =~ /$re/)
2089 0 0 if defined $match
2095 1044 9944 if (ref $token eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 9944 elsif ($self->{'_leading_zeros'} and $token =~ /^0\d+$/) { }
7736 2208 elsif ($token =~ /^([+-]?)(?=[0-9]|\.[0-9])[0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?([Ee]([+-]?[0-9]+))?$/) { }
14 2194 elsif ($token =~ m[^[fh]tt?ps?://]) { }
0 2194 elsif ($token =~ /^mailto:/) { }
0 2194 elsif ($token =~ /^(?:in|ex)ternal:/) { }
21 2173 elsif ($token =~ /^=/) { }
2 2171 elsif ($token =~ /^{=.*}$/) { }
31 2140 elsif ($token eq '') { }
2163 7 1044 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2168 0 1051 if (ref $_[2] ne "ARRAY")
2182 1198 2778 if (ref $token eq 'ARRAY') { }
2214 19 1200 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2219 0 1219 if (ref $_[2] ne "ARRAY")
2259 70 4096 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2263 0 4166 if (@_ < 3)
2269 0 4166 unless @_ % 2
2272 4 4162 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2299 0 7752 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2303 0 7752 if (@_ < 3)
2313 3 7749 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2316 2 7747 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2343 51 2971 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2347 0 3022 if (@_ < 3)
2358 0 3022 unless defined $str
2361 4 3018 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2364 0 3018 if (length $str > $self->{'_xls_strmax'})
2370 2724 294 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 0) { }
2378 280 2738 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2407 28 1 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2411 0 29 if (@_ < 3)
2423 0 29 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2427 3 26 if (ref $_[-1])
2434 0 29 unless open my $str_fh, ">", \$str
2452 81 33 if (not ref $token) { }
2455 25 56 if ($last ne 'format') { }
2472 1 32 if ($last eq "format" and $pos > 0)
2486 24 4 unless (ref $fragments[0])
2492 56 80 if (ref $token) { }
2503 10 70 if ($token =~ /^\s/ or $token =~ /\s$/)
2513 0 28 if ($length > $self->{'_xls_strmax'})
2519 20 8 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 0) { }
2527 8 20 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2558 0 90 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2563 0 90 if @_ < 2
2566 24 66 unless defined $_[2]
2574 3 63 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2577 0 63 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2604 25 96 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2608 0 121 if (@_ < 3)
2618 3 118 if ($formula =~ /^{=.*}$/)
2624 3 115 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2630 0 115 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2646 6 8 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2650 0 14 if (@_ < 5)
2662 1 13 if $row1 > $row2
2663 1 13 if $col1 > $col2
2666 2 12 if $self->_check_dimensions($row1, $col1)
2667 3 9 if $self->_check_dimensions($row2, $col2)
2672 5 4 if ($row1 == $row2 and $col1 == $col2) { }
2688 0 9 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2697 9 0 unless ($self->{'_optimization'})
2700 9 8 if $row == $row1 and $col == $col1
2749 1 0 if ($error == 0)
2771 4 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2777 2 2 $_[2] ? :
2782 0 4 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2785 0 4 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2806 1 0 defined $_[0] ? :
2807 1 0 defined $_[1] ? :
2808 1 0 defined $_[2] ? :
2824 1 102 if $url =~ /%[0-9a-fA-F]{2}/
2864 68 15 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
2868 0 83 if (@_ < 3)
2875 13 70 if (defined $args[3] and not ref $args[3])
2890 69 14 unless defined $str
2893 8 75 if ($url =~ s/^internal://)
2900 15 68 if ($url =~ s/^external://)
2911 0 83 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
2915 0 83 if (length $str > $self->{'_xls_strmax'})
2925 75 8 if ($link_type == 1)
2933 4 71 if ($url_str and not $external)
2939 9 66 if ($url =~ /^\w:/ or $url =~ /^\\\\/)
2951 1 82 if (length $url > $max_url or length $tmp_url_str > $max_url)
2961 0 82 if ($self->{'_hlink_count'} > 65530)
2969 0 82 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
2974 65 17 unless (defined $xf)
3010 12 117 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
3014 0 129 if (@_ < 3)
3024 0 129 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $col)
3030 0 129 unless (defined $date_time)
3035 0 129 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1 and $row > $self->{'_previous_row'})
3083 1 767 if $date_time =~ /[^0-9T:\-\.Z]/
3086 2 765 unless $date_time =~ /\dT|T\d/
3097 206 559 if ($time ne "")
3100 206 0 if ($time =~ /^(\d\d):(\d\d)(:(\d\d(\.\d+)?))?/) { }
3110 1 205 if $hour >= 24
3111 1 204 if $min >= 60
3112 2 202 if $sec >= 60
3120 2 759 if $date eq ""
3124 757 2 if ($date =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)$/) { }
3138 542 215 unless ($date_1904)
3139 104 438 if $date eq "1899-12-31"
3140 1 437 if $date eq "1900-01-00"
3141 1 436 if $date eq "1900-02-29"
3150 215 436 $date_1904 ? :
3151 215 436 $date_1904 ? :
3159 213 438 if $year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 or $year % 400 == 0
3160 213 438 if $leap
3164 6 645 if $year < $epoch or $year > 9999
3165 6 639 if $month < 1 or $month > 12
3166 6 633 if $day < 1 or $day > $mdays[$month - 1]
3179 423 210 if $date_1904 == 0 and $days > 59
3202 0 427 unless defined $row
3208 390 37 if (defined $self->{'_dim_colmin'})
3213 0 427 if $self->_check_dimensions($row, $min_col)
3215 319 108 unless defined $height
3218 1 426 if ($height == 0)
3224 0 427 if $level < 0
3225 0 427 if $level > 7
3227 11 416 if ($level > $self->{'_outline_row_level'})
3256 22 1 if ($height)
3276 5 1 if ($height != $self->{'_original_row_height'})
3283 3 3 if ($zero_height)
3301 12 12 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
3304 0 24 if @_ < 6
3305 0 24 unless ref $_[5]
3316 0 24 if ($row_first == $row_last and $col_first == $col_last)
3321 1 23 if $row_first > $row_last
3323 1 23 if $col_first > $col_last
3327 0 24 if $self->_check_dimensions($row_first, $col_first)
3328 4 20 if $self->_check_dimensions($row_last, $col_last)
3339 20 48 if $row == $row_first and $col == $col_first
3358 7 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
3369 2 5 if ($type eq 'array_formula' or $type eq 'blank' or $type eq 'rich_string') { }
3384 0 7 unless ref $format
3388 0 7 if ($row_first == $row_last and $col_first == $col_last)
3393 0 7 if $row_first > $row_last
3395 0 7 if $col_first > $col_last
3399 0 7 if $self->_check_dimensions($row_first, $col_first)
3400 0 7 if $self->_check_dimensions($row_last, $col_last)
3406 1 6 if ($type eq 'string') { }
1 5 elsif ($type eq 'number') { }
1 4 elsif ($type eq 'blank') { }
1 3 elsif ($type eq 'date_time') { }
1 2 elsif ($type eq 'rich_string') { }
1 1 elsif ($type eq 'url') { }
1 0 elsif ($type eq 'formula') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'array_formula') { }
3437 7 7 if $row == $row_first and $col == $col_first
3467 63 5 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
3472 0 68 if (@_ != 5 and @_ != 3)
3479 63 5 unless (defined $row2)
3485 0 68 if $self->_check_dimensions($row1, $col1, 1, 1)
3486 0 68 if $self->_check_dimensions($row2, $col2, 1, 1)
3489 0 68 if (ref $options ne "HASH")
3519 0 262 unless (exists $valid_parameter{$param_key})
3526 5 63 if defined $param->{'source'}
3527 24 44 if defined $param->{'minimum'}
3530 0 68 unless (exists $param->{'validate'})
3554 0 68 if (not exists $valid_type{lc $param->{'validate'}}) { }
3565 1 2 if ($param->{'validate'} eq "none" and not defined $param->{'input_message'} and not defined $param->{'input_title'})
3574 16 49 if ($param->{'validate'} eq "none" or $param->{'validate'} eq "list" or $param->{'validate'} eq "custom")
3583 0 67 unless (exists $param->{'criteria'})
3610 0 67 if (not exists $criteria_type{lc $param->{'criteria'}}) { }
3621 42 25 if ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'between' or $param->{'criteria'} eq 'notBetween') { }
3623 0 42 unless (exists $param->{'maximum'})
3642 65 2 if (not exists $param->{'error_type'}) { }
0 2 elsif (not exists $error_type{lc $param->{'error_type'}}) { }
3656 7 60 if ($param->{'validate'} eq "date" or $param->{'validate'} eq "time")
3659 5 2 if (defined $date_time)
3663 3 4 if (defined $param->{'maximum'})
3666 2 1 if (defined $date_time)
3673 1 66 if ($param->{'input_title'} and length $param->{'input_title'} > 32)
3680 0 66 if ($param->{'error_title'} and length $param->{'error_title'} > 32)
3687 1 65 if ($param->{'input_message'} and length $param->{'input_message'} > 255)
3694 0 65 if ($param->{'error_message'} and length $param->{'error_message'} > 255)
3701 13 52 if ($param->{'validate'} eq "list")
3703 11 2 if (ref $param->{'value'} eq "ARRAY")
3706 1 10 if (length $formula > 255)
3715 62 2 unless defined $param->{'ignore_blank'}
3716 63 1 unless defined $param->{'dropdown'}
3717 61 3 unless defined $param->{'show_input'}
3718 62 2 unless defined $param->{'show_error'}
3725 3 61 if (exists $param->{'other_cells'})
3757 149 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
3760 1 148 if ($_[0] =~ /,/)
3775 74 75 unless (defined $row2)
3781 0 149 if $self->_check_dimensions($row1, $col1, 1, 1)
3782 0 149 if $self->_check_dimensions($row2, $col2, 1, 1)
3785 0 149 if (ref $options ne "HASH")
3832 0 492 unless (exists $valid_parameter{$param_key})
3839 0 149 unless (exists $param->{'type'})
3869 0 149 if (not exists $valid_type{lc $param->{'type'}}) { }
3875 2 147 if $param->{'type'} eq "bottom"
3914 53 96 if (defined $param->{'criteria'} and exists $criteria_type{lc $param->{'criteria'}})
3921 2 147 if ($param->{'type'} eq "date" or $param->{'type'} eq "time")
3924 1 1 if (defined $param->{'value'} and $param->{'value'} =~ /T/)
3927 0 1 if (not defined $date_time) { }
3937 1 1 if (defined $param->{'minimum'} and $param->{'minimum'} =~ /T/)
3940 0 1 if (not defined $date_time) { }
3950 1 1 if (defined $param->{'maximum'} and $param->{'maximum'} =~ /T/)
3953 0 1 if (not defined $date_time) { }
3988 37 112 if ($param->{'type'} eq "iconSet")
3990 0 37 unless (defined $param->{'icon_style'})
3997 0 37 if (not exists $icon_set_styles{$param->{'icon_style'}}) { }
4008 11 26 if ($param->{'icon_style'} =~ /^4/) { }
8 18 elsif ($param->{'icon_style'} =~ /^5/) { }
4025 0 149 if ($row1 > $row2)
4029 0 149 if ($col1 > $col2)
4037 1 148 if ($user_range)
4042 27 122 if (defined $param->{'format'} and ref $param->{'format'})
4050 3 124 if ($self->{'_use_data_bars_2010'} or $param->{'data_bar_2010'} or $param->{'bar_solid'} or $param->{'bar_border_color'} or $param->{'bar_negative_color'} or $param->{'bar_negative_color_same'} or $param->{'bar_negative_border_color'} or $param->{'bar_negative_border_color_same'} or $param->{'bar_no_border'} or $param->{'bar_axis_position'} or $param->{'bar_axis_color'} or $param->{'bar_direction'})
4067 8 141 if ($param->{'type'} eq "text")
4069 1 7 if ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'containsText') { }
1 6 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'notContains') { }
3 3 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'beginsWith') { }
3 0 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'endsWith') { }
4096 10 139 if ($param->{'type'} eq "timePeriod")
4098 1 9 if ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'yesterday') { }
1 8 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'today') { }
1 7 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'tomorrow') { }
1 6 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'last7Days') { }
1 5 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'lastWeek') { }
1 4 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'thisWeek') { }
1 3 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'nextWeek') { }
1 2 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'lastMonth') { }
1 1 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'thisMonth') { }
1 0 elsif ($param->{'criteria'} eq 'nextMonth') { }
4157 1 148 if ($param->{'type'} eq "containsBlanks")
4161 1 148 if ($param->{'type'} eq "notContainsBlanks")
4165 1 148 if ($param->{'type'} eq "containsErrors")
4169 1 148 if ($param->{'type'} eq "notContainsErrors")
4175 1 148 if ($param->{'type'} eq "2_color_scale")
4198 4 145 if ($param->{'type'} eq "3_color_scale")
4208 3 1 unless defined $param->{'mid_value'}
4221 29 120 if ($param->{'type'} eq "dataBar")
4226 22 7 if (not defined $param->{'min_type'}) { }
4234 23 6 if (not defined $param->{'max_type'}) { }
4275 25 124 if ($param->{'_is_data_bar_2010'})
4279 20 5 if ($param->{'min_type'} eq "min" and $param->{'min_value'} == 0)
4283 21 4 if ($param->{'max_type'} eq "max" and $param->{'max_value'} == 0)
4292 14 135 if defined $param->{'min_value'}
4293 5 144 if defined $param->{'mid_value'}
4294 13 136 if defined $param->{'max_value'}
4323 18 19 if ($total_icons == 3)
4328 11 26 if ($total_icons == 4)
4334 8 29 if ($total_icons == 5)
4342 13 24 if (defined $user_props)
4346 2 11 if ($max_data >= $total_icons)
4353 24 6 if (defined $user_props->[$i]{'value'})
4359 14 16 if (defined $user_props->[$i]{'type'})
4363 0 14 if ($type ne 'percent' and $type ne 'percentile' and $type ne 'number' and $type ne 'formula') { }
4374 2 12 if ($props->[$i]{'type'} eq "number")
4381 7 23 if (defined $user_props->[$i]{'criteria'} and $user_props->[$i]{'criteria'} eq ">")
4411 0 52 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 1)
4417 52 0 if (@_ and $_[0] =~ /^\D/)
4422 0 52 if (@_ < 4)
4430 0 52 if $self->_check_dimensions($row1, $col1, 1, 1)
4431 0 52 if $self->_check_dimensions($row2, $col2, 1, 1)
4434 0 52 if ($row1 > $row2)
4438 0 52 if ($col1 > $col2)
4446 0 52 if (ref $param ne "HASH")
4469 0 46 unless (exists $valid_parameter{$param_key})
4476 51 1 unless defined $param->{'banded_rows'}
4477 47 5 unless defined $param->{'header_row'}
4478 51 1 unless defined $param->{'autofilter'}
4482 48 4 if $param->{'header_row'}
4484 2 50 if ($num_rows < 0)
4490 1 49 $param->{'first_column'} ? :
4491 1 49 $param->{'last_column'} ? :
4492 49 1 $param->{'banded_rows'} ? :
4493 1 49 $param->{'banded_columns'} ? :
4494 46 4 $param->{'header_row'} ? :
4495 10 40 $param->{'total_row'} ? :
4499 1 49 if (defined $param->{'name'})
4503 0 1 if (not $name =~ /^[\w\\][\w\\.]*$/ or $name =~ /^\d/)
4509 0 1 if ($name =~ /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]?[a-dA-D]?[0-9]+$/)
4515 0 1 if ($name =~ /^[rcRC]$/ or $name =~ /^[rcRC]\d+[rcRC]\d+$/)
4524 3 47 if (defined $param->{'style'}) { }
4538 46 4 if $param->{'header_row'}
4539 10 40 if $param->{'total_row'}
4548 4 46 unless ($param->{'header_row'})
4553 45 5 if ($param->{'autofilter'})
4574 85 131 if ($param->{'columns'})
4577 84 1 if (my $user_data = $param->{'columns'}[$col_id - 1])
4581 12 72 if $user_data->{'header'}
4586 1 83 if (exists $seen_names{$key}) { }
4598 3 80 if ($user_data->{'formula'})
4616 40 43 if ($user_data->{'total_function'}) { }
9 34 elsif ($user_data->{'total_string'}) { }
4624 4 36 if $function eq "countnums"
4625 4 36 if $function eq "stddev"
4652 9 74 if (defined $user_data->{'format'} and ref $user_data->{'format'})
4668 203 12 if ($param->{'header_row'})
4678 6 43 if (my $data = $param->{'data'})
4688 77 7 if (defined $token)
4719 0 58 if (ref $param ne "HASH")
4756 0 212 unless (exists $valid_parameter{$param_key})
4763 0 58 unless (exists $param->{'location'})
4769 0 58 unless (exists $param->{'range'})
4778 0 9 if ($type ne "line" and $type ne "column" and $type ne "win_loss")
4784 1 57 if $type eq "win_loss"
4789 2 56 if (ref $param->{'location'}) { }
4802 0 58 if ($range_count != $location_count)
4824 54 5 unless ($range =~ /!/)
4851 1 57 if ($empty eq 'zero') { }
1 56 elsif ($empty eq 'connect') { }
4865 1 57 if ($date_range and not $date_range =~ /!/)
4907 28 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
4912 0 28 if (@_ < 3)
4933 2 5 if ($vba_codename) { }
4968 0 6 unless (exists $valid_parameter{$param_key})
5014 40 0 if (exists $subtotals{$function}) { }
5040 398 8 unless $param->{$user_color}
5061 167 6 if ($index =~ /^#([0-9A-F]{6})$/i)
5091 226 2397 if ($cell =~ /\$?([A-Z]{1,3}):\$?([A-Z]{1,3})/)
5099 200 2197 if ($cell =~ /\$?([A-Z]{1,3}\$?\d+):\$?([A-Z]{1,3}\$?\d+)/)
5106 2197 0 if ($cell =~ /\$?([A-Z]{1,3}\$?\d+)/)
5135 3049 0 $1 eq '' ? :
5137 3047 2 $3 eq '' ? :
5190 2149 11 unless @_
5197 6 5 if $array[0] == 0
5202 1 10 if @array > $max_num_breaks
5229 0 16892 unless defined $row
5230 13 16879 if $row >= $self->{'_xls_rowmax'}
5232 0 16879 unless defined $col
5233 10 16869 if $col >= $self->{'_xls_colmax'}
5237 318 16551 if (not $ignore_row || $ignore_col and $self->{'_optimization'} == 1)
5238 5 313 if $row < $self->{'_previous_row'}
5241 15858 1006 unless ($ignore_row)
5243 859 14999 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_rowmin'} or $row < $self->{'_dim_rowmin'})
5247 4799 11059 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_rowmax'} or $row > $self->{'_dim_rowmax'})
5252 15906 958 unless ($ignore_col)
5254 866 15040 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_colmin'} or $col < $self->{'_dim_colmin'})
5258 2366 13540 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_colmax'} or $col > $self->{'_dim_colmax'})
5350 1 4768 if $x1 < 0
5351 1 4768 if $y1 < 0
5354 56 4713 if ($self->{'_col_size_changed'}) { }
5368 24 4745 if ($self->{'_row_size_changed'}) { }
5397 4769 0 if ($self->_size_col($col_start, $anchor) > 0)
5401 4769 0 if ($self->_size_row($row_start, $anchor) > 0)
5538 177 37392 if (exists $self->{'_col_sizes'}{$col}) { }
5544 18 159 if ($hidden == 1 and $anchor != 4) { }
0 159 elsif ($width < 1) { }
5578 74 60453 if (exists $self->{'_row_sizes'}{$row}) { }
5582 10 64 if ($hidden == 1 and $anchor != 4) { }
5610 25 1798 if ($pixels <= 12) { }
5648 1141 1603 unless (exists ${$$self{"_str_table"};}->{$str})
5670 447 152 if (not defined $target) { }
4 148 elsif (exists $self->{'_drawing_rels'}{$target}) { }
5695 10 36 if (exists $self->{'_vml_drawing_rels'}{$target}) { }
5718 406 0 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
5731 0 406 unless @_ >= 3
5733 406 0 if (ref $chart)
5736 0 406 unless $chart->isa("Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chart")
5741 0 406 unless $chart->{'_embedded'}
5745 3 403 if (ref $_[3] eq 'HASH') { }
5764 0 406 if ($chart->{'_already_inserted'} or $chart->{'_combined'} and $chart->{'_combined'}{'_already_inserted'}) { }
5773 10 396 if ($chart->{'_combined'})
5779 1 405 if $chart->{'_x_scale'} != 1
5780 1 405 if $chart->{'_y_scale'} != 1
5781 1 405 if $chart->{'_x_offset'}
5782 1 405 if $chart->{'_y_offset'}
5810 406 0 if $chart->{'_width'}
5811 406 0 if $chart->{'_height'}
5824 394 12 if (not $self->{'_drawing'}) { }
5869 0 1167 if $self->{'_optimization'}
5880 5 5520 unless (exists $self->{'_table'}{$row_num})
5887 5516 4 if (my $cell = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}{$col_num}) { }
5893 5488 28 if ($type eq 'n') { }
28 0 elsif ($type eq 's') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'f') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'a' or $type eq 'd') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'b') { }
5901 28 0 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 0) { }
5947 124 2 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
5964 40 86 if (ref $_[3] eq 'HASH') { }
5986 0 126 unless @_ >= 3
5987 0 126 unless -e $image
6041 99 27 if (not $self->{'_drawing'}) { }
6068 2 124 if (defined $description)
6072 26 100 if ($url)
6077 19 7 if ($url =~ m[^[fh]tt?ps?://] or $url =~ /^mailto:/)
6082 5 21 if ($url =~ s/^external://)
6089 4 1 if ($target =~ /^\w:/ or $target =~ /^\\\\/) { }
6097 2 24 if ($url =~ s/^internal:/#/)
6103 0 26 if (length $target > $max_url) { }
6109 25 1 if ($target and not exists $self->{'_drawing_rels'}{$url})
6119 123 3 unless (exists $self->{'_drawing_rels'}{$md5})
6150 36 10 unless (exists $self->{'_vml_drawing_rels'}{$md5})
6173 0 8 unless -e $image
6207 41 4 if ($_[0] =~ /^\D/)
6212 0 45 unless @_ >= 3
6217 0 45 unless $shape->isa("Excel::Writer::XLSX::Shape")
6228 1 44 if defined $_[5]
6229 1 44 if defined $_[6]
6236 28 62 exists $self->{'_shape_hash'}{$id} ? :
6239 45 45 if (not $used and $id != 0) { }
6255 45 0 if ($shape->{'_stencil'}) { }
6301 10 31 if (not $self->{'_drawing'}) { }
6370 12 33 $connector_shapes->{$shape_base} ? :
6372 33 12 unless $shape->{'_connect'}
6375 0 12 unless $shape->{'_start'} and $shape->{'_end'}
6378 0 12 unless $shape->{'_start_side'} and $shape->{'_end_side'}
6385 11 1 if (defined $slink_id) { }
6394 10 1 if (defined $elink_id) { }
6412 5 5 if ($connect_type eq 'bt') { }
5 0 elsif ($connect_type eq 'rl') { }
6424 3 2 $smidx < $emidx ? :
6427 2 3 if ($sy > $ey)
6432 1 1 if ($#{$$shape{"_adjustments"};} < 0)
6448 1 4 if $smidx < $emidx and $smidy > $emidy
6449 1 4 if $smidx > $emidx and $smidy < $emidy
6450 2 3 if ($smidx > $emidx)
6453 1 1 if ($#{$$shape{"_adjustments"};} < 0)
6478 0 41 unless (grep /^$shape->{'_align'}$/, ("l", "ctr", "r", "just"))
6483 0 41 if (not grep(/^$shape->{'_valign'}$/, ("t", "ctr", "b")))
6520 10 4152 if ($self->{'_comments_visible'})
6521 8 2 unless (defined $self->{'_comments'}{$row}{$col}[4])
6527 4160 2 unless (defined $self->{'_comments'}{$row}{$col}[3])
6539 44 14 if ($self->{'_has_comments'})
6600 48 1 unless (defined $table->{'_name'})
6609 0 49 if (exists $seen->{$name}) { }
6668 0 4162 unless $params{'width'}
6669 0 4162 unless $params{'height'}
6675 0 4162 if (length $string > $max_len)
6684 0 4162 if ($color_id =~ /^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i) { }
4161 1 elsif ($color_id == 0) { }
6706 0 4162 if (defined $params{'start_cell'})
6720 4162 0 unless (defined $params{'start_row'})
6722 53 4109 if ($row == 0) { }
0 4109 elsif ($row == $row_max - 3) { }
0 4109 elsif ($row == $row_max - 2) { }
1 4108 elsif ($row == $row_max - 1) { }
6729 4161 1 unless (defined $params{'y_offset'})
6731 53 4108 if ($row == 0) { }
0 4108 elsif ($row == $row_max - 3) { }
0 4108 elsif ($row == $row_max - 2) { }
1 4107 elsif ($row == $row_max - 1) { }
6738 4162 0 unless (defined $params{'start_col'})
6740 0 4162 if ($col == $col_max - 3) { }
0 4162 elsif ($col == $col_max - 2) { }
1 4161 elsif ($col == $col_max - 1) { }
6746 4162 0 unless (defined $params{'x_offset'})
6748 0 4162 if ($col == $col_max - 3) { }
0 4162 elsif ($col == $col_max - 2) { }
1 4161 elsif ($col == $col_max - 1) { }
6756 4162 0 if ($params{'x_scale'})
6760 4162 0 if ($params{'y_scale'})
6815 24 4 unless (defined $caption)
6823 5 23 if ($params->{'macro'}) { }
6834 27 1 unless $params->{'width'}
6835 27 1 unless $params->{'height'}
6838 27 1 unless $params->{'x_offset'}
6839 27 1 unless $params->{'y_offset'}
6842 1 27 if ($params->{'x_scale'})
6846 1 27 if ($params->{'y_scale'})
6888 1 0 if $_[0] =~ /^\D/
6891 0 1 if @_ < 3
6906 1 0 if $_[0] =~ /^\D/
6909 0 1 if @_ < 3
6935 0 5 if $_[0] =~ /^\D/
6937 0 5 if (@_ < 2)
6947 0 5 if @pairs % 2
6950 0 5 if ref $formula_ref ne "ARRAY"
6957 0 5 if (@pairs and $pairs[-2] eq "result")
6968 6 10 if $token =~ s/$pattern/$replace/
7004 23 1056 if ($self->{'_excel_version'} == 2010)
7030 1055 6 unless ($self->{'_fit_page'} or $self->{'_filter_on'} or $self->{'_tab_color'} or $self->{'_outline_changed'} or $self->{'_vba_codename'})
7041 6 20 if $codename
7042 9 17 if $self->{'_filter_on'}
7044 11 15 if ($self->{'_fit_page'} or $self->{'_tab_color'} or $self->{'_outline_changed'}) { }
7070 4 9 unless $self->{'_fit_page'}
7090 274 814 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_rowmin'} || defined $self->{'_dim_colmin'}) { }
9 805 elsif (not defined $self->{'_dim_rowmin'} and defined $self->{'_dim_colmin'}) { }
139 666 elsif ($self->{'_dim_rowmin'} == $self->{'_dim_rowmax'} and $self->{'_dim_colmin'} == $self->{'_dim_colmax'}) { }
7101 6 3 if ($self->{'_dim_colmin'} == $self->{'_dim_colmax'}) { }
7194 3 1155 unless ($gridlines)
7199 1 1157 if ($row_col_headers)
7204 1 1157 unless ($show_zeros)
7209 1 1157 if ($right_to_left)
7214 1007 151 if ($tab_selected)
7220 1 1157 unless ($self->{'_outline_on'})
7226 2 1156 if ($view)
7231 2 1156 if ($zoom != 100)
7232 2 0 unless $view
7234 1 1 if $self->{'_zoom_scale_normal'}
7239 69 1089 if (@{$self->{'_panes'};} or @{$self->{'_selections'};}) { }
7281 88 18 if $pane
7282 91 15 if $active_cell
7283 91 15 if $sqref
7306 4 1075 if ($self->{'_default_row_height'} != $self->{'_original_row_height'})
7310 3 1076 if ($self->{'_default_row_zeroed'})
7314 5 1074 if $row_level
7315 1 1078 if $col_level
7317 23 1056 if ($self->{'_excel_version'} == 2010)
7336 966 112 unless %{$self->{'_colinfo'};}
7368 20 216 if (ref $format)
7373 30 206 if (not defined $width) { }
7374 17 13 if (not $hidden) { }
7385 1 205 if ($width == "8.43")
7395 223 13 if ($width > 0)
7396 33 190 if ($width < 1) { }
7416 20 216 if $xf_index
7417 20 216 if $hidden
7418 218 18 if $custom_width
7419 1 235 if $level
7420 0 236 if $collapsed
7437 283 786 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_rowmin'}) { }
7464 0 10 if (not defined $self->{'_dim_rowmin'}) { }
7506 1048908 307 unless ($self->{'_set_rows'}{$row_num} or $self->{'_table'}{$row_num} or $self->{'_comments'}{$row_num})
7517 3814 414 if (my $row_ref = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}) { }
307 107 elsif ($self->{'_comments'}{$row_num}) { }
7519 3496 318 if (not $self->{'_set_rows'}{$row_num}) { }
7529 10377 16937 if (my $col_ref = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}{$col_num})
7570 0 0 unless ($self->{'_set_rows'}{$row_num} or $self->{'_table'}{$row_num} or $self->{'_comments'}{$row_num})
7578 300 0 if (my $row_ref = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}) { }
7580 299 1 if (not $self->{'_set_rows'}{$row_num}) { }
7589 309 35 if (my $col_ref = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}{$col_num})
7630 4120 1049322 if (my $row_ref = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num})
7633 10683 21833 if (my $col_ref = $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}{$col_num})
7635 840 9843 if (not defined $span_min) { }
7640 7 9836 if $col_num < $span_min
7641 1500 8343 if $col_num > $span_max
7648 316 1053126 if (defined $self->{'_comments'}{$row_num})
7651 4160 32845 if (defined $self->{'_comments'}{$row_num}{$col_num})
7653 33 4127 if (not defined $span_min) { }
7658 0 4127 if $col_num < $span_min
7659 267 3860 if $col_num > $span_max
7665 66432 987010 if (($row_num + 1) % 16 == 0 or $row_num == $self->{'_dim_rowmax'})
7670 873 65559 if (defined $span_min)
7702 4106 430 unless defined $height
7707 11 4525 if (ref $format)
7711 4160 376 if defined $spans
7712 11 4525 if $xf_index
7713 11 4525 if $format
7715 111 4425 if ($height != $self->{'_original_row_height'})
7719 284 4252 if $hidden
7721 111 4425 if ($height != $self->{'_original_row_height'})
7725 53 4483 if $level
7726 4 4532 if $collapsed
7728 60 4476 if ($self->{'_excel_version'} == 2010)
7732 415 4121 if ($empty_row) { }
7801 421 10270 if (ref $xf)
7809 421 10270 if ($xf_index) { }
11 10259 elsif ($self->{'_set_rows'}{$row} and $self->{'_set_rows'}{$row}[1]) { }
17 10242 elsif ($self->{'_col_formats'}{$col}) { }
7823 7567 3124 if ($type eq 'n') { }
2974 150 elsif ($type eq 's') { }
79 71 elsif ($type eq 'f') { }
10 61 elsif ($type eq 'a' or $type eq 'd') { }
4 57 elsif ($type eq 'l') { }
57 0 elsif ($type eq 'b') { }
7831 2672 302 if ($self->{'_optimization'} == 0) { }
7843 8 294 if ($string =~ /^<r>/ and $string =~ m[</r>$]) { }
7851 3 291 if ($string =~ /^\s/ or $string =~ /\s$/)
7864 7 72 unless defined $value
7867 18 61 if ($value and not $value =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/)
7870 2 16 if (exists $boolean{$value}) { }
9 7 elsif (exists $error_codes{$value}) { }
7890 1 9 if ($type eq "d")
7926 15 0 defined $_[0] ? :
7941 0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
8053 1081 23 unless $self->{'_page_setup_changed'}
8056 19 4 if ($self->{'_paper_size'})
8061 3 20 if ($self->{'_print_scale'} != 100)
8066 3 20 if ($self->{'_fit_page'} and $self->{'_fit_width'} != 1)
8070 4 19 if ($self->{'_fit_page'} and $self->{'_fit_height'} != 1)
8075 2 21 if ($self->{'_page_order'})
8080 2 21 if ($self->{'_page_start'} > 1)
8085 2 21 if ($self->{'_orientation'} == 0) { }
8093 1 22 if ($self->{'_black_white'})
8098 3 20 if ($self->{'_page_start'} != 0)
8103 0 23 if ($self->{'_horizontal_dpi'})
8107 5 18 if ($self->{'_vertical_dpi'})
8128 1067 14 unless $count
8179 1097 10 unless $self->{'_print_options_changed'}
8182 4 6 if ($self->{'_hcenter'})
8187 4 6 if ($self->{'_vcenter'})
8192 2 8 if ($self->{'_print_headers'})
8197 4 6 if ($self->{'_print_gridlines'})
8217 2 1100 unless ($self->{'_header_footer_scales'})
8221 10 1092 unless ($self->{'_header_footer_aligns'})
8225 35 1067 if ($self->{'_header_footer_changed'}) { }
7 1060 elsif ($self->{'_excel2003_style'}) { }
8227 32 3 if $self->{'_header'}
8228 13 22 if $self->{'_footer'}
8280 1074 6 unless @page_breaks
8310 1075 5 unless @page_breaks
8361 1067 32 unless $ref
8365 29 3 if ($self->{'_filter_on'}) { }
8400 86 30 unless $self->{'_filter_cols'}{$col}
8430 15 16 if ($type == 1) { }
8459 4 14 if (@filters != @non_blanks)
8463 2 16 if (@filters == 1 and @non_blanks == 0) { }
8510 14 4 if (@tokens == 2) { }
8525 4 0 if ($tokens[2] == 0) { }
8566 23 0 if (defined $operators{$operator}) { }
8574 18 5 unless $operator eq "equal"
8597 1029 49 unless @row_nums
8617 81 0 if ($self->{'_table'} and $self->{'_table'}{$row_num} and $self->{'_table'}{$row_num}{$col_num})
8622 1 80 if $cell->[0] ne "s"
8626 74 8 if ($link_type == 1) { }
8659 74 8 if ($type == 1) { }
8 0 elsif ($type == 2) { }
8695 9 66 if defined $location
8696 1 74 if defined $display
8697 3 72 if defined $tooltip
8722 3 8 if defined $tooltip
8740 17 66 unless @panes
8742 38 28 if ($panes[4] == 2) { }
8773 7 21 if (@{$self->{'_selections'};})
8779 13 15 if ($row and $col) { }
7 8 elsif ($col) { }
8802 25 3 if ($type == 0) { }
3 0 elsif ($type == 1) { }
8813 20 8 if $x_split
8814 21 7 if $y_split
8849 8 30 if (@{$self->{'_selections'};})
8856 24 14 if $y_split
8857 24 14 if $x_split
8862 26 12 if ($top_row == $row and $left_col == $col)
8870 30 8 unless ($has_selection)
8876 10 28 if ($row and $col) { }
14 14 elsif ($col) { }
8898 24 14 if $x_split
8899 24 14 if $y_split
8901 8 30 if $has_selection
8923 0 24 if ($width < 1) { }
8954 8 5 unless $color_index
8975 10 1 unless $self->{'_outline_changed'}
8977 1 0 if $self->{'_outline_style'}
8978 1 0 unless $self->{'_outline_below'}
8979 1 0 unless $self->{'_outline_right'}
8980 1 0 unless $self->{'_outline_on'}
8997 1094 30 unless $self->{'_protect'}
9001 6 24 if $arg{'password'}
9002 23 7 if $arg{'sheet'}
9003 5 25 if $arg{'content'}
9004 26 4 unless $arg{'objects'}
9005 21 9 unless $arg{'scenarios'}
9006 3 27 if $arg{'format_cells'}
9007 2 28 if $arg{'format_columns'}
9008 2 28 if $arg{'format_rows'}
9009 2 28 if $arg{'insert_columns'}
9010 2 28 if $arg{'insert_rows'}
9011 2 28 if $arg{'insert_hyperlinks'}
9012 2 28 if $arg{'delete_columns'}
9013 2 28 if $arg{'delete_rows'}
9016 3 27 unless $arg{'select_locked_cells'}
9018 2 28 if $arg{'sort'}
9019 2 28 if $arg{'autofilter'}
9020 2 28 if $arg{'pivot_tables'}
9023 2 28 unless $arg{'select_unlocked_cells'}
9040 1075 3 if $self->{'_num_protected_ranges'} == 0
9067 2 7 if $password
9085 575 524 unless $self->{'_drawing'}
9120 1020 59 unless $self->{'_has_vml'}
9142 1054 24 unless $self->{'_has_header_vml'}
9164 1070 8 unless $self->{'_background_image'}
9195 19 37 if $format->{'_bold'}
9196 10 46 if $format->{'_italic'}
9197 0 56 if $format->{'_font_strikeout'}
9198 0 56 if $format->{'_font_outline'}
9199 0 56 if $format->{'_font_shadow'}
9202 0 56 if $format->{'_underline'}
9204 0 56 if $format->{'_font_script'} == 1
9205 0 56 if $format->{'_font_script'} == 2
9209 0 56 if (my $theme = $format->{'_theme'}) { }
1 55 elsif (my $color = $format->{'_color'}) { }
9225 56 0 if ($format->{'_font'} eq "Calibri" and not $format->{'_hyperlink'})
9247 0 0 if ($underline == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($underline == 33) { }
0 0 elsif ($underline == 34) { }
9317 1072 62 unless $count
9351 4 64 if $sqref ne ""
9356 0 68 if ($row_first > $row_last)
9360 0 68 if ($col_first > $col_last)
9368 62 2 if ($param->{'validate'} ne "none")
9372 26 36 if ($param->{'criteria'} ne "between")
9378 2 62 if ($param->{'error_type'})
9380 1 1 if $param->{'error_type'} == 1
9382 1 1 if $param->{'error_type'} == 2
9385 62 2 if $param->{'ignore_blank'}
9386 1 63 unless $param->{'dropdown'}
9387 61 3 if $param->{'show_input'}
9388 62 2 if $param->{'show_error'}
9391 4 60 if $param->{'error_title'}
9394 3 61 if $param->{'error_message'}
9397 15 49 if $param->{'input_title'}
9400 14 50 if $param->{'input_message'}
9404 2 62 if ($param->{'validate'} eq 'none') { }
9415 24 38 if defined $param->{'maximum'}
9434 10 52 if (ref $formula eq "ARRAY")
9473 1019 63 unless scalar @ranges
9521 27 122 if defined $param->{'format'}
9526 5 144 if $param->{'stop_if_true'}
9528 36 113 if ($param->{'type'} eq 'cellIs') { }
10 103 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'aboveAverage') { }
4 99 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'top10') { }
1 98 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'duplicateValues') { }
1 97 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'uniqueValues') { }
8 89 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'containsText' or $param->{'type'} eq 'notContainsText' or $param->{'type'} eq 'beginsWith' or $param->{'type'} eq 'endsWith') { }
10 79 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'timePeriod') { }
4 75 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'containsBlanks' or $param->{'type'} eq 'notContainsBlanks' or $param->{'type'} eq 'containsErrors' or $param->{'type'} eq 'notContainsErrors') { }
5 70 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'colorScale') { }
29 41 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'dataBar') { }
4 37 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'expression') { }
37 0 elsif ($param->{'type'} eq 'iconSet') { }
9533 5 31 if (defined $param->{'minimum'} and defined $param->{'maximum'}) { }
9541 2 28 unless ($value =~ /(\$?)([A-Z]{1,3})(\$?)(\d+)/ or $value =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/)
9545 1 1 unless ($value =~ /^".*"$/)
9556 5 5 if ($param->{'criteria'} =~ /below/)
9560 2 8 if ($param->{'criteria'} =~ /equal/)
9564 6 4 if ($param->{'criteria'} =~ /([123]) std dev/)
9571 2 2 if (defined $param->{'criteria'} and $param->{'criteria'} eq "%")
9575 2 2 if ($param->{'direction'})
9630 25 4 if ($param->{'_is_data_bar_2010'})
9669 36 1 if ($icon_style ne "3TrafficLights")
9673 4 0 if (exists $param->{'icons_only'} and $param->{'icons_only'})
9677 6 0 if (exists $param->{'reverse_icons'} and $param->{'reverse_icons'})
9728 4 1 if (defined $param->{'mid_type'})
9736 4 1 if (defined $param->{'mid_color'})
9758 2 27 if ($data_bar->{'bar_only'})
9820 169 41 if (defined $value)
9824 7 203 if ($criteria)
9846 41 9 if ($type eq 'min' or $type eq 'max' or $type eq 'autoMin' or $type eq 'autoMax') { }
9892 1050 28 unless $count
9939 1056 11 unless ($has_data_bars or $has_sparklines)
9946 11 11 if ($has_data_bars)
9950 12 10 if ($has_sparklines)
10019 24 1 unless ($data_bar->{'bar_no_border'})
10024 24 1 unless ($data_bar->{'bar_negative_color_same'})
10030 23 1 unless ($data_bar->{'bar_no_border'} or $data_bar->{'bar_negative_border_color_same'})
10038 24 1 if ($data_bar->{'bar_axis_position'} ne "none")
10094 24 1 unless ($data_bar->{'bar_no_border'})
10098 1 24 if ($data_bar->{'bar_solid'})
10102 1 24 if ($data_bar->{'bar_direction'} eq "left")
10106 1 24 if ($data_bar->{'bar_direction'} eq "right")
10110 1 24 if ($data_bar->{'bar_negative_color_same'})
10114 23 1 unless ($data_bar->{'bar_no_border'} or $data_bar->{'bar_negative_border_color_same'})
10120 1 24 if ($data_bar->{'bar_axis_position'} eq "middle")
10124 1 24 if ($data_bar->{'bar_axis_position'} eq "none")
10248 1 57 if ($sparkline->{'_date_axis'})
10368 4 54 if (defined $opts->{'_max'})
10370 2 2 if ($opts->{'_max'} eq 'group') { }
10379 4 54 if (defined $opts->{'_min'})
10381 1 3 if ($opts->{'_min'} eq 'group') { }
10392 9 49 if ($opts->{'_type'} ne "line")
10396 3 55 if $opts->{'_weight'}
10397 1 57 if $opts->{'_date_axis'}
10398 57 1 if $empty
10400 4 54 if $opts->{'_markers'}
10401 4 54 if $opts->{'_high'}
10402 4 54 if $opts->{'_low'}
10403 4 54 if $opts->{'_first'}
10404 4 54 if $opts->{'_last'}
10405 4 54 if $opts->{'_negative'}
10406 1 57 if $opts->{'_axis'}
10407 1 57 if $opts->{'_hidden'}
10408 4 54 if $opts->{'_cust_min'}
10409 4 54 if $opts->{'_cust_max'}
10410 1 57 if $opts->{'_reverse'}
10429 122 342 if defined $color->{'_rgb'}
10430 342 122 if defined $color->{'_theme'}
10431 229 235 if defined $color->{'_tint'}
10560 1073 5 unless (defined $ignore)
10566 4 1 if (exists $ignore->{'number_stored_as_text'})
10571 1 4 if (exists $ignore->{'eval_error'})
10576 1 4 if (exists $ignore->{'formula_differs'})
10581 0 5 if (exists $ignore->{'formula_range'})
10586 0 5 if (exists $ignore->{'formula_unlocked'})
10591 0 5 if (exists $ignore->{'empty_cell_reference'})
10596 0 5 if (exists $ignore->{'list_data_validation'})
10601 0 5 if (exists $ignore->{'calculated_column'})
10606 0 5 if (exists $ignore->{'two_digit_text_year'})