Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 44 54.5

line true false branch
67 95 7529 $_[2] ? :
68 97 7527 $_[3] ? :
90 1 3064 unless $cell
94 700 2364 $1 eq '' ? :
96 702 2362 $3 eq '' ? :
126 184 8214 $_[1] ? :
163 142 267 if ($range1 eq $range2) { }
201 26 122 if ($sheetname =~ /\W/ and not $sheetname =~ /^'/)
279 0 0 unless @_
297 0 0 if $date > 59
311 13 1 if ($time =~ /(\d+):(\d\d):?((?:\d\d)(?:\.\d+)?)?(?:\s+)?(am|pm)?/i) { }
319 2 11 if $hours == 12 and $meridian ne ""
322 2 11 if $meridian eq "pm"
368 0 0 unless @_
375 0 0 if ($date =~ s/(\d+:\d\d:?(\d\d(\.\d+)?)?(\s+)?(am|pm)?)//i)
380 0 0 if $date =~ /^\s*$/
384 0 0 unless @date
396 0 0 unless @_
403 0 0 if ($date =~ s/(\d+:\d\d:?(\d\d(\.\d+)?)?(\s+)?(am|pm)?)//i)
408 0 0 if $date =~ /^\s*$/
412 0 0 unless @date
426 1 3 if ($date < 1462) { }