Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 137 140 97.8

line true false branch
157 28 45 if ($index =~ /^#([0-9A-F]{6})$/i)
206 810 10 unless $count
216 19 19 unless $format->{'_num_format_index'} >= 164
277 6 25 if ($num_fmt_id < 164)
278 6 0 if (exists $format_codes{$num_fmt_id}) { }
312 987 122 if $format->{'_has_font'}
334 7 1008 if $format->{'_font_condense'}
335 7 1008 if $format->{'_font_extend'}
337 78 937 if $format->{'_bold'}
338 52 963 if $format->{'_italic'}
339 4 1011 if $format->{'_font_strikeout'}
340 2 1013 if $format->{'_font_outline'}
341 2 1013 if $format->{'_font_shadow'}
344 27 988 if $format->{'_underline'}
346 3 1012 if $format->{'_font_script'} == 1
347 2 1013 if $format->{'_font_script'} == 2
349 1004 11 unless ($dxf_format)
356 11 1004 if ($theme == -1) { }
9 995 elsif ($theme) { }
32 963 elsif (my $index = $format->{'_color_indexed'}) { }
21 942 elsif (my $color = $format->{'_color'}) { }
938 4 elsif (not $dxf_format) { }
374 1004 11 unless ($dxf_format)
377 995 9 if ($format->{'_font_family'})
381 1 1003 if ($format->{'_font_charset'})
385 948 56 if ($format->{'_font'} eq 'Calibri' and not $format->{'_hyperlink'})
393 9 995 if ($format->{'_hyperlink'})
396 9 0 unless ($self->{'_hyperlink_font_id'})
419 1 26 if ($underline == 2) { }
1 25 elsif ($underline == 33) { }
1 24 elsif ($underline == 34) { }
493 16 1092 if $format->{'_has_fill'}
536 17 16 if ($dxf_format)
569 15 18 if ($dxf_format and $format->{'_pattern'} <= 1) { }
581 17 16 if ($fg_color)
586 25 8 if ($bg_color) { }
591 8 0 unless ($dxf_format)
618 864 245 if $format->{'_has_border'}
640 2 864 if ($format->{'_diag_type'} == 1) { }
2 862 elsif ($format->{'_diag_type'} == 2) { }
4 858 elsif ($format->{'_diag_type'} == 3) { }
652 1 865 if ($format->{'_diag_type'} and not $format->{'_diag_border'})
689 865 1 unless ($dxf_format)
698 1 865 if ($dxf_format)
721 4270 61 unless ($style)
749 10 51 if ($color) { }
772 8 811 if ($self->{'_has_hyperlink'})
783 8 811 if ($self->{'_has_hyperlink'})
806 32 787 if ($last_format->{'_font_only'})
846 8 820 if ($has_hyperlink) { }
891 48 1065 if ($format->{'_num_format_index'} > 0)
896 132 981 if ($format->{'_font_index'} > 0 and not $format->{'_hyperlink'})
901 21 1092 if ($format->{'_fill_index'} > 0)
906 45 1068 if ($format->{'_border_index'} > 0)
914 44 1069 if $apply_align and @align
917 53 1060 if ($apply_align or $format->{'_hyperlink'})
924 18 1095 if (@protection or $format->{'_hyperlink'})
927 10 8 unless ($format->{'_hyperlink'})
933 53 1060 if ($has_align or $has_protect) { }
935 44 9 if $has_align
936 10 43 if $has_protect
956 8 811 if ($self->{'_has_hyperlink'})
965 8 811 if ($self->{'_has_hyperlink'})
1013 23 796 if ($count) { }
1019 11 22 if $format->{'_has_dxf_font'}
1021 11 22 if ($format->{'_num_format_index'})
1026 17 16 if $format->{'_has_dxf_fill'}
1027 1 32 if $format->{'_has_dxf_border'}
1074 814 7 unless @custom_colors
1095 1 8 if ($count > 10)