Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 12 25 48.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
142 0 14 22 defined $priority and $priority ne 'nan'
196 2 3 0 @befores and @afters
272 0 0 26 &blessed($eo) and $eo->isa('Evented::Object')
328 25 0 0 $collection->{'safe'} and my $err = $@

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
86 11 2 $caller ||= [caller 1]
359 14 0 $collection->{'names'}{$group_id} || {}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
43 0 29 0 $collection->{'default_names'}{$_->[2]{'name'}} ||= $_->[2]{'id'}
104 0 0 0 $dummy ||= 'Evented::Object'->new
358 26 14 0 $collection->{'group_names'}{$group_id} ||= do { my $names_from_group = $collection->{'names'}{$group_id} || {}; my $default_names = $collection->{'default_names'}; my(%names) = (%$default_names, %$names_from_group); \%names }