Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 37 40.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
143 146 26 0 $request eq '' and $error eq ''
158 75 7 0 $server->get_auth_required and not $self->get_is_authenticated
364 0 0 0 $self->get_server->get_auto_reload_modules and ($mtime = (stat $load_class_info->{'filename'})[9]) > $load_class_info->{'mtime'}
432 0 0 50 defined $self->get_classes->{$class} and defined $self->get_classes->{$class}{$method}
477 1 2 9 ref $rc and not ref($rc) =~ /ARRAY|HASH|SCALAR/
493 0 0 10 ref $val and not ref($val) =~ /ARRAY|HASH|SCALAR/
509 0 0 10 ref $val and not ref($val) =~ /ARRAY|HASH|SCALAR/

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
140 146 26 eval { do { $message->read } } || ''
387 0 0 $mtime ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
147 0 23 149 $request eq "DISCONNECT\n" or $error =~ /DISCONNECTED/
311 0 0 10 not defined $self->get_classes->{$class}{$class_method} or $self->get_classes->{$class}{$class_method} ne '_constructor'
364 0 0 0 not $load_class_info or $self->get_server->get_auto_reload_modules and ($mtime = (stat $load_class_info->{'filename'})[9]) > $load_class_info->{'mtime'}
408 0 0 0 $self->get_loaded_classes->{$class} ||= $load_class_info