Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 20 85.0

line true false branch
25 35 30 if (@_ >= 2) { }
16 14 elsif (ref $_[0]) { }
40 21 9 ref $string ? :
44 5 25 if ($$string_ref =~ /\G\s*($addr_spec_re)\s*/cg) { }
51 7 18 unless $$string_ref =~ /\G<\s*($addr_spec_re)\s*>\s*/cg
58 0 23 if (not ref $string and pos $string < length $string)
69 15 4 if @_
78 0 4 if @_
88 0 16 unless defined $address and $address =~ /^$addr_spec_re\z/
93 4 12 if (not defined $name or $name eq '') { }