Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 24 87.5

line true false branch
124 177 63 if ($code >= 200 and $code <= 209)
125 142 35 if (defined $body and length $body)
126 141 1 if $is_encoded
130 34 1 if $$params{'method'} eq 'HEAD'
135 11 52 if $$params{'method'} eq 'HEAD'
136 2 61 if grep {$_ eq $code;} @ignore
139 49 12 unless ($error_type)
140 0 49 if (defined $body)
147 0 61 if $$params{'body'}
150 3 58 if ($body = $self->serializer->decode($body))
152 3 0 if (ref $body) { }
159 1 2 if $error_type eq 'Conflict' and $msg =~ /: version conflict, current \[(\d+)\]/