Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 105 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
179 0 0 0 defined &utf8::is_utf8 and utf8::is_utf8($_[0])
0 0 0 defined $_[1] and defined $_[2]
0 0 0 defined $_[1] and defined $_[2] and $_[1] eq $_[2]
0 0 0 defined $_[1] and defined $_[2]
0 0 0 defined $_[1] and defined $_[2] and $_[1] ne $_[2]
188 0 0 0 $_[1] eq 'utf8' and $_[2] eq 'iso-2022-jp'
243 0 0 0 $type eq '' and defined $email_name_pair
260 0 0 0 ref $$email_name_pair[0] eq '' and ref $$email_name_pair[1] eq ''
263 0 0 0 defined $B and $B eq ''
266 0 0 0 defined $A and $A eq ''
275 0 0 0 ref $$email_name_pair{'email'} eq '' and ref $$email_name_pair{'name'} eq ''
278 0 0 0 defined $B and $B eq ''
302 0 0 0 is_email $A and not is_email $B
0 0 0 not is_email $A and is_email $B
391 0 0 0 $_all_ascii and $text =~ /^[\040-\176\r\t\n]*$/
497 0 0 0 scalar @$ra_to == 0 and scalar @$ra_cc == 0
620 0 0 0 is_email $A and not is_email $B
0 0 0 not is_email $A and is_email $B
653 0 0 0 defined $$file{'file_bin'} and defined $$file{'file_path'}
767 0 0 0 defined $_[0]{'print_msg'} && $_[0]{'print_msg'}
781 0 0 0 defined $_[0]{'print_msg'} && $_[0]{'print_msg'}
795 0 0 0 defined $_[0]{'print_msg'} && $_[0]{'print_msg'}
801 0 0 0 defined $_[0]{'print_msg'} && $_[0]{'print_msg'}
1018 0 0 0 defined $use_close and $use_close == 0
1037 0 0 0 defined $code && defined $response && $code eq $response

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
294 0 0 0 ref $email_list eq '' or ref $email_list eq 'HASH'
302 0 0 0 is_email $A and not is_email $B or not is_email $A and is_email $B
515 0 0 0 $$param{'type'} eq 'plain' or $$param{'type'} eq 'text'
0 0 0 $$param{'type'} eq 'plain' or $$param{'type'} eq 'text' or $$param{'type'} eq 'txt'
610 0 0 0 ref $email_list eq '' or ref $email_list eq 'HASH'
620 0 0 0 is_email $A and not is_email $B or not is_email $A and is_email $B
761 0 0 0 !defined($_[0]{'sendmail_use_close'}) || $_[0]{'sendmail_use_close'}
856 0 0 0 $type eq 'SMTPAUTHLOGIN' or $type eq 'SMTPAUTHPLAIN'
0 0 0 $type eq 'SMTPAUTHLOGIN' or $type eq 'SMTPAUTHPLAIN' or $type eq 'SMTPAUTHNONE'
0 0 0 $type eq 'SMTPAUTHLOGIN' or $type eq 'SMTPAUTHPLAIN' or $type eq 'SMTPAUTHNONE' or $type eq 'DIRECT'