Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 34 61.7

line true false branch
54 0 226 if (not defined $input and defined $self->{'in'})
58 226 0 if (defined $input) { }
59 0 226 if (&openhandle($input)) { }
218 8 elsif (ref $input) { }
65 0 8 unless open $in, $input
72 144 82 if ($callback) { }
79 144 0 if $should_close
80 0 144 if $e
122 3 141 if (not defined $output and defined $self->{'out'})
126 144 0 if (defined $output) { }
127 11 133 if (&openhandle($output)) { }
133 0 elsif (ref $output) { }
134 0 0 unless open $out, '>', $output
141 144 0 if ($callback) { }
148 133 11 if $should_close
149 0 144 if $e
171 0 164 unless ($out)