Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 60 31.6

line true false branch
105 0 3 unless exists $$record{'data'}
108 0 3 if length $$record{'data'} < 16
140 0 3 if $version != 1 and $version != 2
141 0 3 if $spare != 0
154 0 3 if $version == 1
168 116 55 if ($i > 10 and $lin - $i > 10)
180 12 893 if $match >= 0 and $i - $match <= 2047
185 12 0 if ($match >= 0 and $n <= 10 and $n >= 3)
201 13 146 if ($i + 1 < $lin and $ch eq ' ')
205 10 3 if ($onch >= 64 and $onch < 128)
214 147 2 if ($och == 0 or $och >= 9 and $och < 128) { }
226 2 0 if ($next =~ /([\x01-\x08\x80-\xff]{1,8})/o)
243 0 0 if $version == 1
253 0 0 if ($och >= 1 and $och <= 8) { }
0 0 elsif ($och < 128) { }
0 0 elsif ($och >= 192) { }
275 0 0 unless $lo - $m >= 0
288 0 3 $prc ? :
290 0 3 unless (defined _parse_headerrec($header))
316 0 0 if (@_ > 0) { }
0 0 elsif (defined wantarray) { }
325 0 0 $prc ? :
333 0 0 $prc ? :
341 0 0 if $$header{'length'} < 4096
351 0 0 $prc ? :
354 0 0 if (defined _parse_headerrec($header))
360 0 0 $_[0] < $_[1] ? :
366 0 0 if ($$self{'multibyteoverlap'})
380 0 0 if $@
399 0 0 unless open IN, "< $filename"