Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 158 204 77.4

line true false branch
54 0 2 wantarray ? :
59 0 4 unless @_ == 1
62 1 3 unless defined $_[0]
63 2 1 unless ref $_[0]
71 1 2 unless defined $_[0]
80 1 4 if ref \$_ eq 'GLOB'
91 1 71 unless defined $_ or not $$self{'printUndef'}
92 1 70 if ref \$_ eq 'GLOB'
96 10 0 if $$self{'bareStringify'} and ref $_ and %main::overload:: and defined &{'overload::StrVal';}
99 49 21 if ($tick eq 'auto')
100 4 45 if (/[\000-\011\013-\037\177]/) { }
106 66 4 if ($tick eq q[']) { }
1 3 elsif ($$self{'unctrl'} eq 'unctrl') { }
3 0 elsif ($$self{'unctrl'} eq 'quote') { }
111 0 1 if $$self{'quoteHighBit'}
114 3 0 if $tick eq '"'
118 64 6 if $$self{'quoteHighBit'}
119 37 33 $noticks || /^\d+(\.\d*)?\Z/ ? :
128 4 15 if ($$self{'veryCompact'} and ref $v and (ref $v eq 'ARRAY' and not grep(ref($_), @$v))) { }
3 12 elsif ($$self{'veryCompact'} and ref $v and ref $v eq 'HASH' and not grep(ref($_), values %$v)) { }
131 1 3 if $$self{'arrayDepth'} and $depth >= $$self{'arrayDepth'}
139 1 2 if $$self{'hashDepth'} and $depth >= $$self{'hashDepth'}
153 1 27 if $DB::signal and $$self{'stopDbSignal'}
163 16 11 if (ref $v) { }
2 9 elsif (ref \$v eq 'GLOB') { }
167 16 0 if %main::overload:: and defined &{'overload::StrVal';}
170 3 13 if (not $$self{'dumpReused'} and defined $address)
172 1 2 if ($address{$address} > 1)
180 1 1 if ($address{$address} > 1)
186 1 24 if (ref $v eq 'Regexp')
193 4 20 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'HASH')) { }
7 13 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'ARRAY')) { }
2 11 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'SCALAR') or ref $v eq 'REF') { }
1 10 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'CODE')) { }
0 10 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($v, 'GLOB')) { }
1 9 elsif (ref \$v eq 'GLOB') { }
197 2 2 $#sortKeys < $$self{'hashDepth'} - 1 ? :
4 0 unless $$self{'hashDepth'} eq ''
199 1 3 if $tHashDepth < $#sortKeys
201 1 3 if $tHashDepth < $#sortKeys
203 2 2 if ($$self{'compactDump'} and not grep(ref($_), values %{$v;}))
211 2 0 if length $short <= $$self{'compactDump'}
214 0 1 if $DB::signal and $$self{'stopDbSignal'}
219 1 1 unless @sortKeys
220 0 2 if defined $more
224 2 4 $#$v < $$self{'arrayDepth'} - 1 ? :
6 1 unless $$self{'arrayDepth'} eq ''
226 1 6 if $tArrayDepth < $#{$v;}
228 1 6 if $tArrayDepth < $#{$v;}
229 3 4 if ($$self{'compactDump'} and not grep(ref($_), @{$v;}))
230 3 0 if ($#$v >= 0) { }
231 6 0 exists $$v[$_] ? :
238 3 0 if length $short <= $$self{'compactDump'}
241 0 3 if $DB::signal and $$self{'stopDbSignal'}
243 3 0 if (exists $$v[$num]) { }
249 2 2 unless @$v
250 0 4 if defined $more
259 0 0 if ($$self{'globPrint'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined($fileno = fileno $v)) { }
266 1 0 if ($$self{'globPrint'}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined($fileno = fileno \$v)) { }
277 518 3 unless $_[0] eq $_[1]
282 3 1 if @_
283 2 2 if $$self{'compactDump'} and $$self{'compactDump'} < 2
290 1 0 if @_
291 1 0 if not $$self{'compactDump'} and $$self{'veryCompact'}
297 2 1 if (@_)
299 1 1 if ($in eq 'unctrl' or $in eq 'quote') { }
310 1 2 if (@_ and $_[0] eq '"') { }
1 1 elsif (@_ and $_[0] eq 'auto') { }
1 0 elsif (@_) { }
325 1 9 if $DB::signal and $$self{'stopDbSignal'}
329 2 7 if (!($key =~ /^_
333 2 7 if (!($key =~ /^_
338 2 0 if ($key ne 'main::' and $key ne 'DB::' and %stab and $$self{'dumpPackages'} || !($key =~ /::$/) and !($key =~ /^_
346 1 8 if (defined($fileno = fileno stab))
349 2 7 if ($all)
350 1 1 if (defined &stab)
359 0 4 if $$self{'skipCvGV'}
361 0 4 unless eval { do { require Devel::Peek; 1 } }
362 0 4 unless my $gv = Devel::Peek::CvGV($in)
371 0 4 if $sub =~ /^\{\*(.*)\}$/
372 0 4 defined $1 ? :
377 4 0 unless defined $s
378 3 1 unless defined $place
384 4 1 unless %DB::sub
399 3 0 unless $package =~ /::$/
409 1 518 if $DB::signal and $$self{'stopDbSignal'}
410 517 1 if @vars and not grep(matchvar($key, $_), @vars)
411 0 1 if ($$self{'usageOnly'}) { }
412 0 0 if $package ne 'Dumpvalue' || $key ne 'stab' and ref \$val eq 'GLOB'
419 1 1 if ($$self{'usageOnly'})
433 1 14 if (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ARRAY')) { }
0 14 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'HASH')) { }
14 0 elsif (not ref $_[0]) { }
450 1 1 $len > 1 ? :
2 7 if defined $_[1]
464 0 3 $len > 1 ? :
3 0 if defined $_[1]
474 1 0 if defined $stab
475 1 0 if @stab
476 1 0 if %stab and $_[1] ne 'main::' and $_[1] ne 'DB::'