Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 18 83.3

line true false branch
9 2 316 if (index($d->ua, "Opera/") > -1)
14 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
16 1 0 if $version
22 2 314 if (index($d->ua, " OPR/") > -1 and index($d->ua, "Mozilla/") > -1)
27 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
29 1 0 if $version
35 2 312 if (index($d->ua, " OPT/") > -1 and index($d->ua, "Mozilla/") > -1)
40 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
42 1 0 if $version