Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 50 84.0

line true false branch
9 1 109 if ($d->ua eq 'lynx') { }
2 107 elsif (index($d->ua, 'Lynx/') == 0) { }
2 105 elsif (index($d->ua, ' EzLynx/') > -1) { }
2 103 elsif (index($d->ua, 'w3m/') > -1) { }
2 101 elsif (index($d->ua, ' Konqueror/') > -1) { }
2 99 elsif (index($d->ua, 'OmniWeb/') == 0 or index($d->ua, ' OmniWeb/') > -1 and index($d->ua, 'Mozilla/') > -1) { }
2 97 elsif (index($d->ua, ' QtWebEngine/') > -1 and index($d->ua, 'Mozilla/') > -1) { }
2 95 elsif (index($d->ua, ' UBrowser/') > -1 and index($d->ua, 'Win') > -1) { }
2 186 elsif (index($d->ua, ' MZBrowser/') > -1 and index($d->ua, 'UWS') > -1) { }
19 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
21 1 0 if $version
31 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
33 1 0 if $version
43 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
45 1 0 if $version
55 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
57 1 0 if $version
69 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
71 1 0 if $version
81 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
83 1 0 if $version
93 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
95 1 0 if $version
105 1 1 if ($d->opt_version)
107 1 0 if $version