Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 90 142 63.3

line true false branch
90 0 25 unless defined $v_p and $v_p->is_valid
91 0 25 unless defined $v_q and $v_q->is_valid
95 3 22 if ($rel_q eq '=')
96 2 1 if ($rel_p eq '<<') { }
0 1 elsif ($rel_p eq '<=') { }
1 0 elsif ($rel_p eq '>>') { }
0 0 elsif ($rel_p eq '>=') { }
0 0 elsif ($rel_p eq '=') { }
97 1 1 $v_p <= $v_q ? :
99 0 0 $v_p < $v_q ? :
101 1 0 $v_p >= $v_q ? :
103 0 0 $v_p > $v_q ? :
112 3 19 if ($rel_q eq '<=')
113 0 3 if ($rel_p eq '>>') { }
1 2 elsif ($rel_p eq '>=') { }
0 2 elsif ($rel_p eq '=') { }
114 0 0 $v_p >= $v_q ? :
116 1 0 $v_p > $v_q ? :
118 0 0 $v_p <= $v_q ? :
120 1 1 $v_p <= $v_q ? :
126 4 15 if ($rel_q eq '<<')
127 2 2 if ($rel_p eq '>>' or $rel_p eq '>=') { }
0 2 elsif ($rel_p eq '<<') { }
2 0 elsif ($rel_p eq '=') { }
128 2 0 $v_p >= $v_p ? :
130 0 0 $v_p <= $v_q ? :
132 1 1 $v_p < $v_q ? :
134 0 0 $v_p < $v_q ? :
139 10 5 if ($rel_q eq '>=')
140 0 10 if ($rel_p eq '<<') { }
2 8 elsif ($rel_p eq '<=') { }
0 8 elsif ($rel_p eq '=') { }
141 0 0 $v_p <= $v_q ? :
143 2 0 $v_p < $v_q ? :
145 0 0 $v_p >= $v_q ? :
147 3 5 $v_p >= $v_q ? :
150 5 0 if ($rel_q eq '>>')
151 1 4 if ($rel_p eq '<<' or $rel_p eq '<=') { }
0 4 elsif ($rel_p eq '>>') { }
1 3 elsif ($rel_p eq '=') { }
152 1 0 $v_p <= $v_q ? :
154 0 0 $v_p >= $v_q ? :
156 0 1 $v_p > $v_q ? :
158 3 0 $v_p > $v_q ? :
264 4 63 if defined $options{'host_arch'} and not defined &debarch_to_debtuple($options{'host_arch'})
266 4 59 if defined $options{'build_arch'} and not defined &debarch_to_debtuple($options{'build_arch'})
278 1 58 if ($options{'reduce_restrictions'})
282 4 55 if ($options{'reduce_arch'})
286 5 54 if ($options{'reduce_profiles'})
307 4 250 unless (defined $dep_simple->{'package'})
311 0 0 if ($options{'virtual'} and defined $dep_simple->{'relation'} and $dep_simple->{'relation'} ne '=')
317 0 250 unless $options{'use_arch'}
318 15 235 if ($options{'reduce_arch'})
320 6 9 unless $dep_simple->arch_is_concerned($options{'host_arch'})
322 0 244 unless $options{'use_profiles'}
323 62 182 if ($options{'reduce_profiles'})
325 29 33 unless $dep_simple->profile_is_concerned($options{'build_profiles'})
329 34 181 unless @or_list
330 159 22 if (scalar @or_list == 1) { }
339 3 52 if ($options{'union'}) { }
345 0 179 if ($options{'union'} and not $dep->isa('Dpkg::Deps::Simple'))
372 0 85 unless defined $dep
374 76 9 if ($dep->isa('Dpkg::Deps::Simple')) { }
375 0 76 unless &$callback_func($dep)
377 0 9 unless &$visitor_func($dep->get_deps)
413 33 2 unless my $aundef = !defined($a)
414 35 0 unless my $bundef = !defined($b)
416 0 35 if $aundef and $bundef
417 2 33 if $aundef
418 0 33 if $bundef
428 30 3 if $res != 0