Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 50 68.0

line true false branch
139 0 16 if exists $self->{'reportfile'}
154 250 3530 if (match_header($_)) { }
0 3530 elsif (/^(?:;;\s*)?Local variables:/io) { }
2 3528 elsif (/^vim:/io) { }
0 3528 elsif (/^\$\w+:.*\$/o) { }
0 3528 elsif (/^\# /o) { }
0 3528 elsif (m[^/\*.*\*/]o) { }
2 3526 elsif (/$ancient_delimiter_re/xi) { }
2 3524 elsif (/^\S/) { }
248 3276 elsif (match_trailer($_)) { }
2 3274 elsif (/^ \-\-/) { }
2534 740 elsif (/^\s{2,}(?:\S)/) { }
740 0 elsif (not /\S/) { }
155 2 248 unless ($expect eq 'first heading' or $expect eq 'next heading or end of file')
160 234 16 unless ($entry->is_empty)
163 0 234 if $self->abort_early
193 0 248 unless ($expect eq 'more change data or trailer')
207 0 2534 unless ($expect eq 'start of change data' or $expect eq 'more change data or trailer')
210 0 0 if ($expect eq 'next heading or end of file' and not $entry->is_empty)
222 246 494 if ($expect eq 'start of change data') { }
238 256 elsif ($expect eq 'next heading or end of file') { }
0 256 elsif ($expect ne 'more change data or trailer') { }
235 0 0 unless ($expect eq 'start of change data' or $expect eq 'more change data or trailer')
244 0 16 unless ($expect eq 'next heading or end of file')
249 16 0 unless ($entry->is_empty)