Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 59 256 23.0

line true false branch
46 0 0 if ($opts{'old'} and $opts{'new'} and $opts{'filename'})
47 0 0 unless -e $opts{'old'}
48 0 0 unless -e $opts{'new'}
49 0 0 if (-d $opts{'old'} and -d $opts{'new'}) { }
0 0 elsif (-f $opts{'old'} and -f $opts{'new'}) { }
56 0 0 unless $opts{'nofinish'}
74 0 0 if compare($old, $new, 4096) == 0
77 0 0 if ($opts{'options'}) { }
83 0 0 if ($opts{'label_old'} and $opts{'label_new'})
84 0 0 if ($opts{'include_timestamp'}) { }
95 0 0 if $opts{'label_old'} =~ / /
96 0 0 if $opts{'label_new'} =~ / /
114 0 0 if (/^(?:binary|[^-+\@ ].*\bdiffer\b)/i) { }
0 0 elsif (/^[-+\@ ]/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\\ /) { }
127 0 0 if (*$self->{'empty'} and defined *$self->{'header'})
128 0 0 unless $self->print(*$self->{'header'})
131 0 0 unless print {$self;} $_
133 0 0 unless close $diffgen
140 0 0 unless (WIFEXITED($?) and $exit == 0 || $exit == 1 || $binary)
152 0 0 if ($opts{'diff_ignore_func'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opts{'diff_ignore_regex'}) { }
163 0 0 length $_ > length $new ? :
164 0 0 if &$diff_ignore($fn)
166 0 0 unless lstat "$new/$fn"
169 0 0 if (-l _) { }
0 0 elsif (-f _) { }
0 0 elsif (-p _) { }
0 0 elsif (-b _ or -c _ or -S _) { }
0 0 elsif (-d _) { }
170 0 0 unless (-l "$old/$fn")
175 0 0 unless (defined $n)
179 0 0 unless (defined $n2)
182 0 0 unless ($n eq $n2)
187 0 0 if (not lstat "$old/$fn") { }
0 0 elsif (not -f _) { }
188 0 0 if ($! != 2)
198 0 0 if ($opts{'use_dev_null'})
199 0 0 if $old_file eq '/dev/null'
204 0 0 unless (-p "$old/$fn")
211 0 0 if (not lstat "$old/$fn") { }
0 0 elsif (not -d _) { }
212 0 0 if ($! != 2)
223 0 0 length $_ > length $old ? :
224 0 0 if &$diff_ignore($fn)
225 0 0 if $files_in_new{$fn}
226 0 0 unless lstat "$old/$fn"
227 0 0 if (-f _) { }
0 0 elsif (-d _) { }
0 0 elsif (-l _) { }
228 0 0 if (not defined $opts{'include_removal'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not $opts{'include_removal'}) { }
248 0 0 if ($opts{'order_from'} and -e $opts{'order_from'}) { }
281 0 0 if ($success and $old_file eq '/dev/null' and $new_file ne '/dev/null')
283 0 0 if (not $size) { }
287 0 0 if ($mode & 73)
288 0 0 unless $fn eq 'debian/rules'
292 0 0 if ($mode & 3584)
303 0 0 unless close $self
330 74 5 if (defined $line)
346 6 20 if ($header =~ /^"/) { }
352 20 0 unless $header =~ s/\t.*//
361 5 2 unless defined $old
362 0 2 unless defined $new
363 0 2 if -e $new and not -e $old
364 0 2 if -e $old and not -e $new
382 0 2 if ($nb_comp_o != $nb_comp_n) { }
0 2 elsif ($blen_o != $blen_n) { }
0 2 elsif ($len_o != $len_n) { }
383 0 0 $nb_comp_o < $nb_comp_n ? :
385 0 0 $blen_o < $blen_n ? :
387 0 0 $len_o < $len_n ? :
414 21 28 if ($line =~ /^(?:--- |\+\+\+ |\@@ -)/) { }
420 0 28 unless defined $line
424 8 13 unless ($line =~ s/^--- //)
428 2 11 if ($line ne '/dev/null' and $line =~ s[^[^/]*/+][$destdir/])
431 0 13 if ($line =~ /\.dpkg-orig$/)
437 0 13 unless (defined $line)
441 0 13 unless ($line =~ s/^\+\+\+ //)
446 7 0 if ($line ne '/dev/null' and $line =~ s[^[^/]*/+][$destdir/])
450 0 7 unless (defined $fn{'old'} or defined $fn{'new'})
457 5 9 unless defined $fn{$key}
458 0 9 if ($path{$key} =~ m[/\.\./])
463 0 13 if (-l $path)
467 0 13 unless $path =~ s[/+[^/]*$][]
468 9 4 if length $path <= length $destdir
472 0 7 if ($path{'old'} eq '/dev/null' and $path{'new'} eq '/dev/null') { }
0 7 elsif ($path{'new'} eq '/dev/null') { }
477 0 0 unless defined $fn{'old'}
478 0 0 if ($opts{'verbose'})
480 0 0 unless -e $fn{'old'}
486 2 5 if ($dirname =~ s[/[^/]+$][] and not -d $dirname)
490 0 7 if (-e $fn and not -f _)
495 0 7 if ($filepatched{$fn}) { }
498 0 0 if ($opts{'fatal_dupes'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($opts{'verbose'} and $filepatched{$fn} == 2) { }
514 0 7 if $line =~ /^\\ /
515 2 5 unless $line =~ /^\@@ -\d+(,(\d+))? \+\d+(,(\d+))? \@\@(?: .*)?$/
516 5 0 $1 ? :
5 0 $3 ? :
519 0 5 unless (defined($line = _getline($self)))
520 0 0 if ($olines == $nlines and $olines < 3) { }
522 0 0 if $opts{'verbose'}
528 0 5 if $line =~ /^\\ /
530 0 5 if ($line =~ /^ / or length $line == 0) { }
0 5 elsif ($line =~ /^-/) { }
5 0 elsif ($line =~ /^\+/) { }
544 2 5 unless ($hunk)
549 0 5 unless ($diff_count)
551 0 0 if $opts{'verbose'}
562 5 0 if ($opts{'create_dirs'})
565 0 0 if $@
597 1 2 if ($?)
608 2 0 if $opts{'force_timestamp'} and scalar @files
610 2 0 if ($opts{'force_timestamp'})
611 0 2 unless utime $now, $now, $fn or $! == 2
614 2 0 if ($opts{'remove_backup'})
616 0 2 unless unlink $fn
647 0 0 unless WIFEXITED($?)
655 0 0 if (not lstat $file) { }
656 0 0 if $! == 2
659 0 0 if -f _
660 0 0 if -d _
661 0 0 if -l _
662 0 0 if -b _
663 0 0 if -c _
664 0 0 if -p _
665 0 0 if -S _