Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 39 68 57.3

line true false branch
60 1 0 if -e $file and not -d $file
67 0 1 if $exception
70 0 1 if $exception
104 1 0 if ('recommended'->has('Test::Differences')) { }
139 3 1 if ($item =~ /$regex/)
157 2 0 if $reason
158 0 2 unless $reason
159 0 2 unless $self->_test_has_message($log, $regex, $reason)
161 0 1 if ($need_diag)
171 0 1 if 1 == $nargs
172 0 1 if $nargs > 3
174 0 1 if (2 == $nargs)
203 0 2 unless ('ARRAY' eq ref $expected)
212 2 0 if ('recommended'->has('Test::Differences')) { }
224 1 1 unless ($reason)
249 0 1 unless (-e $self->_build_root and -d $self->_build_root)
254 1 0 if (defined $file and -e $file and not -d $file)
284 1 3 if (2 == $nargs)
288 2 2 if (3 == $nargs)
289 1 1 if (ref $name) { }
328 2 0 if ('recommended'->has('Test::TempDir::Tiny')) { }
340 0 5 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $file)
366 0 1 unless -e $file
367 0 1 if -d $file
444 0 2 unless (-e $root_path)
449 0 2 if -d $path
466 0 1 unless -e $root
467 0 1 unless -d $root
469 0 1 unless -e $file
470 0 1 if -d $file
493 1 0 if (-e $self->_build_root)
504 1 0 if $self->_test_has_message($log, $regex, $reason)
519 1 0 if $reason
520 0 1 unless $reason