Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 38 89.4

line true false branch
41 26 10 if $all_files{$filename}[$index]{'object'} == $file
77 35 45 $attr && $attr->has_value($zilla) ? :
115 21 35 if exists $zilla_constructor_args{$attr_name}
117 7 28 if $attr and $attr->has_value($zilla)
125 8 14 if not exists $zilla_constructor_args{$_}
127 1 7 if &any(sub { $meta->find_attribute_by_name($_)->has_value($zilla) if not exists $zilla_constructor_args{$_}; } , '_license_class', '_copyright_holder', '_copyright_year')
158 11 2 if $entry->{'object'} eq $file
179 10 0 if ($filename and defined $index)
182 0 10 if $filename ne $file->name
228 8 1 if ($filename and defined $index)
254 0 9 $file->isa('Dist::Zilla::File::FromCode') ? :
266 1 6 if 'Dist::Zilla'->VERSION >= 5.024 and $prereq_attr->has_value($self->zilla)
273 1 6 if (exists $distmeta->{'prereqs'})
298 1 8 unless ($filename and defined $index)
305 1 7 if ($filename ne $file->name)
321 0 7 if not $file->isa('Dist::Zilla::File::FromCode') and &none(sub { $file->name eq $_; } , $self->skip_file) and $all_files{$file->name}[$index]{'content'} ne md5_hex($file->encoded_content)
339 6 1 unless exists $new_distmeta->{$ignore_key}
342 1 6 unless ($ok)
361 1 1 if @{$self->zilla->plugins_with(-'Releaser');} <= 1