Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 38 84.2

line true false branch
114 0 47 -e $pod ? :
135 1 49 if $self->location eq 'build' and $self->phase eq 'release'
138 4 45 if $self->location eq 'build' and $self->type eq 'pod'
147 25 24 if ($self->location eq 'build' and &none(sub { $_->name eq $filename; } , @{$self->zilla->files;}))
167 12 37 if ($self->location eq 'root' and not grep({$_->filename eq $self->filename if &blessed($self) eq &blessed($_) and $_->location eq 'build';} @{$self->zilla->plugins;}))
169 52 319 if &blessed($self) eq &blessed($_) and $_->location eq 'build'
174 48 1 unless $file->name eq $self->filename
186 26 23 if ($self->location eq 'build')
189 25 1 if ($file) { }
215 8 17 unless $watching{$source_file->name}++
225 47 1 if $self->phase eq 'build'
231 1 0 if $self->phase eq 'release'
237 23 25 if ($self->location eq 'root')
244 2 21 if (-e $destination_file)
251 0 23 $encoding eq 'raw' ? :
286 48 0 if ($pod_elems)
291 0 48 if ((my $encoding = $self->_get_source_encoding) ne 'raw' and not eval { do { 'Dist::Zilla::Role::PPI'->VERSION('6.003') } })
306 71 0 $source_file->can('encoding') ? :
327 38 39 if ($cache{$name})