Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 42 71.4

line true false branch
29 0 28 $dzil7 ? :
31 3 25 unless (@plugins)
42 9 19 if ($all or do { require List::Util; 'List::Util'->VERSION('1.33'); &List::Util::any(sub { $_->check_all_prereqs; } , @plugins) })
44 0 9 $dzil7 ? :
46 0 8 $dzil7 ? :
47 0 8 $dzil7 ? :
48 0 8 $dzil7 ? :
49 0 8 $dzil7 ? :
50 0 8 $dzil7 ? :
52 8 2 $all || $_->check_all_prereqs ? :
59 2 27 $all || $plugin->check_authordeps ? :
4 25 $all || $plugin->check_all_plugins ? :
65 3 24 unless @modules
76 10 0 unless $self->app->global_options->verbose
87 2 4 if (/^Can't locate (\S+) .+ at \S+ line/ or /^Compilation failed in require at (\S+) line/) { }
1 3 elsif (/^(\S+) version \S+ required--this is only version \S+ at \S+ line/) { }
103 2 1 if /Required plugin(?: bundle)? \[?(\S+)\]? isn't installed\./
106 0 3 unless /Run 'dzil authordeps' to see a list of all required plugins/m or / version \(.+\) (does )?not match required version: /m
116 6 0 if (@authordeps)
127 0 4 unless $zilla
143 0 4 if $error and not @stale_modules