Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 20 0.0

line true false branch
77 0 0 if ('HASH' ne (ref $config || '') or scalar @extra)
82 0 0 if $key =~ /\A-/msx
83 0 0 if 'plugin_name' eq $key
84 0 0 if &blessed($config->{$key})
85 0 0 if 'zilla' eq $key
101 0 0 unless (exists $prereqs->{$phase} and exists $prereqs->{$phase}{$rel})
109 0 0 unless $self->_user_wants_upgrade_on($module)
118 0 0 if $fake_target->as_string_hash->{$module} eq $old_string
147 0 0 unless (defined $phase and defined $relation)
156 0 0 unless (defined $source and defined $target)