Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 22 18.1

line true false branch
84 0 0 if try_load_class("Config::Identity::GitHub")
87 0 0 if (%identity) { }
93 0 0 unless ($login)
94 0 0 %identity ? :
147 0 1 if ($credentials->{'pass'}) { }
0 1 elsif ($credentials->{'token'}) { }
159 0 1 if ($self->prompt_2fa)
208 0 0 unless ($response->{'success'})
210 0 0 if $response->{'status'} eq 401 and ($response->{'headers'}{'x-github-otp'} // "") =~ /^required/
212 0 0 if ($response->{'status'} eq 404)
225 0 2 if ($response and not $response->{'success'} and $response->{'status'} eq 599)