Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 44 76 57.8

line true false branch
84 0 7 if (exists $args{'tag_regexp'})
85 0 0 if ($args{'tag_regexp'} eq 'semantic') { }
0 0 elsif ($args{'tag_regexp'} eq 'decimal') { }
101 1 6 if (-f $self->file_name) { }
119 0 6 if (scalar @releases > 1)
123 0 0 if ("version"->parse($self->zilla->version) == $last_release)
129 0 0 unless (defined $1)
141 1 6 unless ($ENV{'DZIL_RELEASING'})
160 0 6 if $ENV{'NO_EDIT_CHANGES'}
162 0 6 if ($self->edit_changelog and not $ENV{'NO_EDIT_CHANGES'})
163 0 0 if (try_load_class('Proc::InvokeEditor')) { }
186 1 6 unless $ENV{'DZIL_RELEASING'}
187 0 6 unless $self->copy_to_root
193 0 6 unless (-e $build_file)
207 0 15 unless $tag =~ $self->tag_regexp
239 17 4 if ($self->_git_can_mailmap and $self->show_author)
252 27 135 if ($line eq "<END COMMIT>")
258 27 108 if ($line =~ /^commit:(\w+)$/u) { }
0 108 elsif (not $cur_commit) { }
266 108 0 if ($line =~ /^(\w+):(.+)$/u)
267 0 108 unless $cur_commit
273 5 16 unless (defined $commits)
287 6 15 if ($tag eq "HEAD")
303 15 6 $last_tag ? :
307 6 15 if ($tag eq 'HEAD') { }
311 0 15 unless ($1)
320 0 21 if ($self->_last_release)
321 0 0 if ($self->_last_release > 'version'->parse($version)) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->_last_release == 'version'->parse($version)) { }
347 0 32 if exists $seen{$commit->{'subject'}}
351 0 32 if $commit->{'subject'} eq $tag
352 0 32 if $commit->{'subject'} =~ /^Release /u
353 0 32 if $commit->{'subject'} =~ /^Merge (pull|branch)/u
355 32 0 unless (utf8::is_utf8($commit->{'subject'}))
359 22 10 if ($self->show_author and exists $commit->{'author'}) { }
362 10 12 if ($self->show_author_email)
366 22 0 unless (utf8::is_utf8($author))
370 10 12 if ($self->group_by_author) { }